Xaven Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Extensions

Xaven is a browser extension that is supposed to improve your Internet browsing experience. It presents itself as a legal browser add-on, and in general there is nothing malicious about it. Nevertheless, users complain that Xaven displays an extensive number of pop-up advertisements that makes the browsing unbearable. What is more, this extension could be exploited that malicious third parties in a way that it contributes to malware distribution. Hence, it is for the best to remove Xaven from your computer in the first stages of the infection, as you can never know where this small extension might take you.

It is important to tell apart a real browser infection from just a mere application. Some users think that Xaven is an adware program, because it displays countless commercial advertisements. In a way it is true, because that is one of its functions. However, users generally install this extension on their computers willingly, and so Xaven cannot be considered a computer infection. In that sense Xaven is very similar to other extensions from the same group that includes Browse Beyond, BrowseFox, Lemur Leap and others. All of these extensions have their own websites, as well as Xaven – xaven.info/download, but it is not possible to download the extension from the official website at the moment.

Therefore, if you notice that you have Xaven installed on your PC, it is very likely that you have installed it together with freeware applications. The thing is that such extensions are often bundled with freeware that is available for download at third party websites, for example, at cNet or Softonic. In such a case, it is very likely that users simply overlook the information that is displayed on the installation wizard. More often than not software applications that arrived with additional extensions DO inform you about the oncoming installations. However, due to the fact that users often go through the installation process automatically, they end up installing things they probably do not even want.

As it has been mentioned above, Xaven is often considered an adware application due to the fact that it displays pop-up advertisements and even coupon offers. The problem with such behavior is that it requires the utilization of a third party advertising network and almost anyone could exploit Xaven (as long as they knew how to) in order to display ads with malicious content embedded.

Xaven is not a dangerous computer infection, but it might be used for malware distribution in the long run, so it would be a good idea to remove it from your PC right now. Refer to the instructions below to uninstall Xaven, and after manual removal, run a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner. This way you will make sure that your system is absolutely safe, and there are not unwanted programs on board.

How to uninstall Xaven

Windows 8

  1. Move mouse cursor to the bottom right of the screen.
  2. When Charms bar appears, click Settings and go to Control Panel.
  3. Go to Uninstall a program and remove Xaven.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Open Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Select Uninstall a program and remove Xaven.

Windows XP

  1. Open Start menu and go to Control Panel.
  2. Select Add or remove programs and uninstall Xaven.
Download Remover for Xaven *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Xaven Screenshots:



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