Wise Ransomware Removal Guide

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Wise Ransomware is a bogus infection that was created with the purpose of tricking Windows users into thinking that they need to communicate with cyber criminals because their files are encrypted or deleted. That is the message that every victim of this infection is introduced to via a screen-locking window. Because it is not possible to close it, there is no way to confirm whether or not files are corrupted by the infection. More gullible users might be tricked into following the instructions that are presented via a screen-locker. More cautious and experienced users are likely to try to research the situation further before making any moves. The good news is that as soon as the screen-locker is disabled – and we explain how to do that further in the report – it should take no time to realize that files were not affected and then to initiate the removal process of the infection. If you want to learn how to delete Wise Ransomware, keep reading.

An action as simple as opening a spam email attachment could lead to the invasion of the malicious Wise Ransomware. If you do not want to let in this threat or real file encryptors (e.g., Matrix-NEWRAR Ransomware, BDKR Ransomware, or savefiles@india.com Ransomware), you have to be extremely careful about how you act online. If you are not cautious, you can let in numerous infections, and most of them are much worse than Wise Ransomware. Sure, if the victim of this infection is tricked into contacting cyber criminals, they could be scammed, but if they do no such thing and, instead, quickly remove it, they should suffer no consequences. Unfortunately, real file encryptors are much worse because once they encrypt files, users are usually unable to recover them. According to researchers, you can close the window launched by the pseudo-ransomware via Task Manager. Please follow the guide below for that because if you just terminate the malicious process, you might lose your chance to find and delete the launcher yourself. Another option is to enter the decryption key. You should NOT contact cyber criminals to obtain it, but, instead, use BACKYOURSHITUP. This code did not work during our tests, but it could be effective for you.

Do you know what could happen if you tried obtaining the decryption key using TeamSpeak (surrent.ts5.es)? Wise Ransomware creators want you to communicate with them using a conference call-type of chat so that they could mislead you and scare you into paying money for the decryptor. They could also trick you into disclosing personal information, downloading malicious files, and doing other precarious things. Without a doubt, we strongly recommend that you do not interact with the creator of Wise Ransomware in any kind of way. Even if your files were encrypted, interacting with cyber criminals could be a big mistake. Our research team has plenty of experience with real encryptors, and we can tell you that victims who give in and pay ransoms in return for decryptors or keys never get what they expect. This is all just a huge scam to take your money right out of your hands.

Hopefully, your files are safe, and you have not compromised your own security by interacting with the creator of the malicious Wise Ransomware. This threat might introduce itself to you as a file encryptor, but our research team informs that it is just a bogus threat that poses as an encryptor. In reality, it can do no harm, and it is only meant to trick you into believing that your files are encrypted or deleted so that you would interact with cyber criminals and, most likely, agree to download something or pay money for bogus decryptors. The only thing you need to do in this situation is terminate a malicious file, and if you follow the guide below, you will be able to find and delete the launcher file too. Afterward, of course, you want to install reliable security software to ensure that real and fake threats cannot attack you again. And you should also back up your files externally or online to keep them safe even if originals are encrypted.

How to delete Wise Ransomware

  1. Launch Task Manager (tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select or tap Ctrl+Shift+Esc).
  2. Click the Processes tab and find the malicious process used by the ransomware.
  3. Right-click it and click Open file location.
  4. Select the malicious process and click End process.
  5. Right-click the malicious .exe file and choose Delete.
  6. Empty Recycle Bin to eliminate the malicious file completely.
  7. Install a trusted malware scanner and immediately run a full system scan.
Download Remover for Wise Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Wise Ransomware Screenshots:

Wise Ransomware

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