Windows Security 2012 has found critical process Removal Guide

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Category: Fake Warnings

Windows Security 2012 has found critical process” is a fictitious security pop-up warning that schemers will present in order to fool you into thinking that your personal Windows system is under an attack of malware. If this bogus alert pops up on your screen, it is most likely that you have visited a dangerous web page managed by cyber crooks. In such case, it would be best to open up the Task Manager and end processes linked to Internet, because one click on the infectious web source could initiate the clandestine downloads of truly dangerous malware. Nonetheless, if it is too late to remove Windows Security 2012 has found critical process warning from your computer’s screen and the dangerous program has already been launched, the following information will provide you with an insight of the application and will present you with the possible malware removal solutions.

Once you click on the fictitious “Windows Security 2012 has found critical process” warning, a completely fake computer scanner will be initiated. You might not notice anything suspicious about the scan, especially if you are using the Internet Explorer as your main browser. The fake scanner may use the mimicked interface of the popular browser; however, that does not mean you can trust it or its bogus malware detections. The allegedly discovered infections are supposed to trick you into thinking that malicious programs are taking over your PC, which could make you vulnerable to the suggestions of security software downloads. Do not even think about installing Win8Security_scanner.exe or any other potentially dangerous file, even if the following warning seems legitimate:

Message from webpage
Windows Security 2012 has found critical process activity on your PC and will perform fast scan of system files.

This is a trick cyber crooks will use to drop even more dangerous products onto your computer, and if you have already downloaded and executed the file, you need to employ automatic malware detection and removal tools at once! Only legitimate security tools will be able to find and remove Windows Security 2012 has found critical process infection components. Therefore, if you are thinking about the attractive possibility of manual removal, we suggest you reconsider, as time wasted on unsuccessful removal tasks could be used by schemers to endanger your personal security and Windows’ integrity further.

Download Remover for Windows Security 2012 has found critical process *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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