Websearch.coolsearches.info Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Hijackers

Websearch.coolsearches.info may look like a reliable search engine, but that is definitely not true. This website is a browser hijacker that has been created to help its developers make easy money by redirecting you to third-party websites. Unless you remove Websearch.coolsearches.info from your computer immediately, you will be soon redirected to unfamiliar websites, and you might end up installing adware, Trojans, and even ransomware applications on your computer. Serious problems start with some minor issues, so you need to take care of Websearch.coolsearches.info immediately before this browser hijacker managed to expose you to grave security threats.

If you download various freeware apps regularly, you need to be very careful about where you download them from, and what you install it with. Websearch.coolsearches.info does not indulge in direct distribution, and this browser hijacker is usually spread around the web in software packages, together with some other potentially unreliable applications. According to our research, Websearch.coolsearches.info enters target systems with adware programs that are part of the so-called Multiplug family. Thus, if you have recently downloaded and installed Optimizer Pro, EZDownloader, Unideals, YoutubeAdBlocker, or any other similar application, it would be of no surprise why Websearch.coolsearches.info got set as your default homepage and search engine.

Sometimes freeware downloads are initiated accidentally, especially if you click the fake download buttons on torrent and p2p sites. If you visit such websites quite often, you need to keep in mind that they are full of fake download buttons that are used by adware developers to distribute their programs. In other words, it would be possible to avoid getting infected with Websearch.coolsearches.info if you downloaded software only from the official vendor’s websites (even so, you should still read all the installation steps!).

Websearch.coolsearches.info affects all the major web browsers in the market: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer. The browser hijacker makes use of tracking cookies to collect information on your web browsing habits. This information is essential for the hijacker because it needs to generate customized commercial content that would convince user to click various ads. On top of that, Websearch.coolsearches.info cannot even provide you with a reliable search service because it makes use of the Google search engine. The problem is that the search results you see via Websearch.coolsearches.info are highly altered to accommodate additional links to commercial websites.

This kind of activity is highly intrusive, and it could lead to severe computer security issues. Do not hesitate to invest in a legitimate computer security application that would help you delete Websearch.coolsearches.info and protect your system from similar infections. You need to remember that there might be more unwanted programs on-board, so you have to delete them all.

How to Restore Your Browser Settings

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T and select Internet options.
  2. Click the Advanced tab and press Reset.
  3. Mark Delete personal settings and click Reset.
  4. Press Close.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Alt+H and go to Troubleshooting information.
  2. When the new tab appears, click Reset Firefox.
  3. Press Reset Firefox on the pop-up confirmation box.
  4. Click Finish.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F and go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and press Show advanced settings.
  3. Scroll down and click the Reset settings button.
  4. Press Reset on the confirmation box.
Download Remover for Websearch.coolsearches.info *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Websearch.coolsearches.info Screenshots:



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