WebCobra Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

WebCobra is a cryptocurrency miner, a tool that generates Bitcoins, Monero, and so on. Of course, all the money goes to the malware’s creators, so the victim whose computer gets infected gets nothing. What is even worse is that such activity could slow down the computer or in other words have a bad influence on its performance. Also, the malicious application might be used to place more Trojans on the system. Thus, specialists recommend removing WebCobra immediately after it gets detected. Further, we will discuss how to recognize the malware, its working manner, possible distribution channels, and, naturally, its deletion options. If you are mostly interested in learning how to get rid of it manually, you should not forget to check the instructions located at the end of this page too.

Like many similar Trojans, WebCobra might travel with various infected files that are often received while interacting with unreliable advertisements/notifications or when visiting doubtful file-sharing websites. Therefore, the best way to keep away from similar threats is to watch out for untrustworthy content while surfing the Internet. If it is challenging to separate potentially dangerous sites or files on your own, you should acquire a reliable security tool that could help you with it. Plus, you should make sure your computer does not have any vulnerabilities, such as outdated software, weak passwords, and so on. Such weaknesses might make it easier for Trojans and threats alike to enter the system, so taking care of them could strengthen the computer.

Provided, WebCobra manages to get in, the malicious application may connect to its remote server and start downloading needed data as well as receiving commands from its creators. As you see, the threat is capable of connecting to the Internet without any permission. The bad news is it might need lots of your computer’s resources to mine cryptocurrencies, and it could result in your system’s slower performance. Moreover, our specialists say, it is possible WebCobra might download more threats on the infected device, so the longer it stays on the system, the more dangerous the situation could become. Consequently, we advise deleting the Trojan with no hesitation. Besides performing a system scan with a trustworthy tool, you could identify it if you look for files described and listed in the instructions located below.

Needless to say, to get rid of WebCobra manually, you would have to locate and erase its data on your own. The instructions found below might help you with it, but if you think the process could be too tricky, we recommend using a reliable security tool. In fact, even if you think you can deal with the malware manually, it might still be a good idea to check the system with an antimalware tool. That is because you may not know how long it stayed on the device and how many other threats it could have placed on it. Lastly, if you have additional questions about the Trojan or need more help while eliminating it, you could leave us a message in the comments secretion below this report.

Get rid of WebCobra

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Pick Task Manager.
  3. Select the Processes tab.
  4. Look for a process associated with the malware.
  5. Select the process and click End Task.
  6. Leave Task Manager.
  7. Tap Win+E.
  8. Go to these locations:
  9. Find the malicious file opened before the system got infected, right-click it and select Delete.
  10. Find this path: %WINDIR%
  11. Identify a folder belonging to the Trojan, e.g., {DE03ECBA-2A77-438C-8243-0AF592BDBB20}, right-click it and press Delete.
  12. Then go to %TEMP% again.
  13. Look for a suspicious file with the .cmd extension, right-click it and choose Delete.
  14. Close File Explorer.
  15. Empty Recycle Bin.
  16. Restart the computer.
Download Remover for WebCobra *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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