Weather Forecaster Removal Guide

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Do you always check your weather app before going outside? Maybe you have an app added to your browser? As long as it’s not Weather Forecaster, it shouldn’t be a problem. However, if you have this extension on your Chrome browser, it would be for the best to remove Weather Forecaster as soon as possible.

This extension is a potentially unwanted program. Therefore, it could exhibit various aspects of undesirable behavior. What’s more, you might have added it to your browser accidentally. So, if that is the case, you should definitely delete the extension and then run a full system scan.

Weather Forecaster is bound to have an official homepage, but it is very unlikely that users add this extension to their browser through official sources. Of course, there is also a page for this extension in the Chrome Web Store. The fact that the Chrome Web Store has a section for the app should mean that the extension is reliable, and there is nothing suspicious about it. However, we would like to point out that the application can still employ tracking cookies to collect data on your web browsing habits. It doesn’t hide this fact, and the user should technically be aware of the things this extension does.

You might say that you don’t know how Weather Forecaster entered your computer. You might also say that you have no idea what this extension does. We totally get that. It is very often such applications slither into the system accidentally, but we have already established that this app is not a malicious infection. Therefore, you are the one who has to install it on your browser. Even if you are not aware of that, you give permission for Weather Forecaster to enter your system, and after that, the extension modifies your browser’s settings.

It is very likely that Weather Forecaster comes bundled with third-party applications. It might have also arrived through a pop-up that jumped into your screen when you accessed some website that supports multiple flash advertisements. The point is that Weather Forecaster and other similar applications might enter the target system accidentally, and if you do not want such apps on-board, you need to be careful about the websites you visit and the programs you download.

Luckily, you will know immediately that Weather Forecaster has been added to your browser because the extension doesn’t hide its presence. What’s more, the application will modify your homepage and new tab settings, as well as setting as your default search engine. However, this domain redirects all of your searches to Yahoo! Search. It doesn’t mean that Weather Forecaster wants to expose you to dangerous content or wants to steal your data. However, such applications could be exploited by malevolent third parties.

Therefore, if you didn’t want to have this app added to your browser, and it got there accidentally, it is only logical to remove Weather Forecaster. Another thing we would like to point out is that such extensions tend to travel in groups. Unless you added this app to your browser via the Chrome Web Store, it is very likely that it arrived in a package with several other applications you do not need. So, while you are at it, you should terminate all the unwanted apps together.

How to know which apps could stir potential trouble? Scan your computer with the SpyHunter free scanner, and all the unwanted apps will be detected at once. Then you can choose to delete them either manually or automatically. Automatic removal is faster and more efficient, so do not hesitate to rely on a powerful antispyware tool if need be.

How to Delete Weather Forecaster

  1. Launch the Chrome browser.
  2. Press Alt+F and select More tools.
  3. Click Extensions and delete Weather Forecaster.
  4. Restart the browser.
Download Remover for Weather Forecaster *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Weather Forecaster Screenshots:

Weather Forecaster


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