VIAGRA Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Although VIAGRA Ransomware might not be your worst nightmare, it is still a ransomware infection that can turn your evening plans upside down. The reason this program is not terribly dangerous is the presence of a decryption key. To put it simply, it is possible to decrypt the files locked by VIAGRA Ransomware, so there is no need to worry about that. On the other hand, you still need to remove VIAGRA Ransomware from your computer, and for that, you will have to delete several registry entries. This could prove to be annoying, so consider investing in a licensed antispyware tool.

Now, we know that VIAGRA Ransomware is coded in the .NET language. We also know that this program doesn’t have a point of execution. What does that mean? It means that it will not start again once you restart your computer. However, if VIAGRA Ransomware manages to complete the encryption process, your files will remain encrypted even if the program doesn’t run again after the restart.

Also, it is hard to say how this application travels around because it hasn’t been released officially yet. As mentioned, VIAGRA Ransomware is still under development, so it is possible that in the future, the program will use spam emails to reach its victims. Spam emails are the most common ransomware distribution vessel. Users absent-mindedly open spam emails with dangerous attachments, thinking the files attached are just some regular documents. Consequently, by opening these documents, users infect their computers with ransomware, although it is not that complicated to avoid that.

As far as VIAGRA Ransomware is concerned, we believe that the distribution for this infection could be individual. That is to say; someone might infect certain systems through files that they send via Remote Desktop Protocol connections or spear phishing emails, when the message is intended for one specific target.

Aside from encrypting your files, VIAGRA Ransomware can also delete shadow volume copies. If shadow volume copies are enabled, it is possible to restore files from them. However, with the shadow volume copies deleted, file restoration is no longer possible. Of course, as mentioned, it is possible to decrypt the files affected by this ransomware because the private RSA key that is necessary for decryption is stored within the infection itself. And VIAGRA Ransomware doesn’t connect to its C2 center, so it is possible to extract the key and use it for decryption.

The bottom line is that you do not need to contact the criminals behind VIAGRA Ransomware to transfer the ransom payment. Simply address a professional who would help you restore your files. When it comes to ransomware removal, you should really think what’s best for you. Manual removal might take longer, and you could miss some dangerous files. It is a lot faster and more efficient to remove VIAGRA Ransomware automatically with a licensed antispyware tool. What’s more, a security tool of your choice would help you protect your system from similar threats in the future.

However, there is one thing you mustn’t forget. VIAGRA Ransomware might not pose a lot of threat because it can be decrypted, but there are lots of other ransomware infections out there. So how do you protect your files from these infections?

First, be careful about the documents you encounter online. If you do not recognize the sender, do not open the received file. Second, back your files up on an external hard drive. If possible, back them also on a cloud drive. If you happen to lose your files, you can always get them back from a backup. It is better to be safe than sorry, so do not overlook these security measures to protect yourself from the likes of VIAGRA Ransomware in the future.

How to Remove VIAGRA Ransomware

  1. Delete the most recent files from Desktop.
  2. Open the Downloads folder and delete the most recent files.
  3. Press Win+R and type %TEMP%. Press OK.
  4. Delete the most recent files from the directory.
  5. Press Win+R again and enter regedit. Click OK.
  6. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System.
  7. On the right pane, right-click the delete these values: legalnoticetext, legalnoticecaption.
  8. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion.
  9. On the right, right-click the RegisteredOwner value. Select to delete it.
  10. Close Registry Editor and scan your computer with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for VIAGRA Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

VIAGRA Ransomware Screenshots:

VIAGRA Ransomware
VIAGRA Ransomware
VIAGRA Ransomware


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