Track Net Speed Removal Guide

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If you have decided that you want to delete Track Net Speed from your Google Chrome browser, it is most likely that you have found the extension to be useless. Sure, it promises to test your internet speeds, but there are plenty of reputable speed testers online, and your own internet speed provider could offer one. Undoubtedly, you do not need to install any extension to test internet speeds. Of course, some people might find the extension to be convenient, for example, if they test speeds daily or even several times a day. Even in that case, anyone can bookmark a website that offers a speed tester so that they could access it directly from their browser any time they want. Unfortunately, the main service is not the only questionable thing about the extension. If you want to learn more, continue reading. And if you are here to learn how to perform removal, scroll down to find a guide.

You might have downloaded Track Net Speed using a software bundle. A software bundle is a collection of several or multiple programs and extensions that are packaged together to increase downloads. In many cases, attractive programs are attached to these bundles to push less popular or completely unknown applications and extensions along with them. Unfortunately, when people interact with bundles, they often install things they do not understand, or they completely dismiss the added pieces. So, if you are not completely sure as to how the PUP (potentially unwanted program) got in, we advise scanning your operating system now. That might be unnecessary if you know for a fact that you installed Track Net Speed on its own from and These are the official download site and installer site of the PUP. If these are the only sources you referred to when downloading the extension, you must think of it as an amazing tool that can test internet speeds and also provide you with access to online games.

Have you checked the Privacy Policy representing Track Net Speed? Most likely, you skipped this important step. The statement reveals that Innover Group stands behind the PUP, and some readers might already know that it is also responsible for Converter Suite, Ezy Photo Tab, and Shield My Searches extensions. Although they are supposed to offer different services – which are revealed in the PUPs’ names – they are pretty much identical. For one, all of them have privileges to read your browsing history, use tracking cookies to gather information about your preferences, and also modify the New Tab page on Google Chrome. This is where the PUP operates from. The interface of the New Tab page offers third-party links to sites that you can access without having the suspicious extension installed. The same goes for the search tool embedded. If you type keywords into it, you are redirected to Yahoo Search, and we hope that you know better than to trust redirecting extensions. To put it simply, we do not believe that Track Net Speed is useful, and if you share the sentiment, we can help you delete the PUP.

Removing Track Net Speed is not a complicated task, and we are sure that you can get rid of this PUP using the guide below. We also include steps on how to clear browsing data (to delete cookies) and how to disable notifications in case you enabled them. Note that if you have, Track Net Speed can show you ads. Of course, this guide suits those, who find no other threats on their systems and who are confident that they can ensure security in the future. If you have scanned your system and found other threats, and if you are not sure if you can ensure security yourself, why not install a trusted anti-malware tool? It will automatically erase existing threats and, most importantly, reinforce overall system’s protection to keep you safe.

How to delete Track Net Speed from Google Chrome

  1. Launch the browser and enter chrome://extensions into the address bar.
  2. Find the extension you want to get rid of and click Remove.
  3. Enter chrome://settings/content/notifications into the address bar.
  4. Find the URL of the PUP-related site, click the three dots on the right, and click Block or Remove.
  5. Enter chrome://settings/clearBrowserData into the address bar.
  6. Navigate to the Advanced menu, choose a time range and boxes, and click Clear data.
Download Remover for Track Net Speed *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Track Net Speed Screenshots:

Track Net Speed


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