TechandStrat Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Ransomware is not retreating. Here’s a new infection on the block, and it comes with the intention to rip you off. Today we would like to talk about TechandStrat Ransomware, and how it can enter your computer. It is very frustrating that there is no public decryption tool (at least the time of writing) that would help innocent users restore their files. Hence, we have to learn the ways to protect ourselves from such infections. At least it’s easy to remove TechandStrat Ransomware from the affected system, but the aftermath can be quite stressful.

Although TechandStrat Ransomware comes from a new ransomware family called the DeathRansom Ransomware group, this program still employs the most common ransomware distribution methods. For the most part, it should travel via spam email attachments and through unsafe RDP configurations. The problem here is that users open the ransomware installers themselves even if they are not fully aware of that. This happens because they think the files they have received are important. Of course, that is not the case, and if you receive files through spam, you have to delete those messages at once. In some cases, the files you receive through spam email or through social-engineering messages might seem legitimate. But you can always check that by scanning those files with a security tool of your choice.

Unfortunately, more often than not users fail to notice the potential threats behind all those unfamiliar files they receive. As a result, TechandStrat Ransomware and other similar infections easily enter the target system. Once they have settled, the malware scans the entire computer and locates the files that it is programmed to encrypt. The encryption is run quickly and efficiently, and you probably won’t even notice how all of your personal files get locked up. It’s probably even worse if you get infected with TechandStrat Ransomware on your work computer. Think of all the important data you might have there! Hence, when you’re on your work computer, you have to be extra careful and vigilant if you want to avoid such threats.

Now, when TechandStrat Ransomware is done encrypting your files, it also drops a ransom note in every single folder with locked up data. The ransom note is in a TXT format file, filename “read_me_lkd.txt.” The ransom note does not open automatically, so if a user wants to figure out what’s going on, they will have to open it themselves and read the following:

Hello Technology and Strategy!
All your fileservers, HyperV infrastructure and backups have been encrypted!
Trying to decrypt or modify the files with programs other than our decryptor can lead to permanent loss of data!
The only way to recover your files is by cooperating with us.

The ransom note then goes on to say that you have to use two of the emails presented below the message to contact the people responsible for this infection. Although it doesn’t say how much the decryption tool costs, you can expect to be ripped off if you were to contact these crooks.

Therefore, cybersecurity specialists recommend against contacting cybercriminals. They might simply collect the money and scram without issuing the decryption key in the first place. Your main objective right now should be removing TechandStrat Ransomware for good. When you are done with that, you can check the file recovery options that you have. If you happen to have a file backup or if you regularly save copies of the most vital files on a cloud drive, you can just remove the encrypted files and transfer the healthy copies back into your system. If not, be sure to address a local professional for other options.

How to Remove TechandStrat Ransomware

  1. Remove the latest files from Desktop.
  2. Open the Downloads folder.
  3. Remove the latest files from the folder.
  4. Press Win+R and enter %TEMP%. Press OK.
  5. Delete everything from the directory.
  6. Scan your computer with the SpyHunter free scanner.
Download Remover for TechandStrat Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

TechandStrat Ransomware Screenshots:

TechandStrat Ransomware


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