Photos, videos, documents, and various other kinds of files could all go under the knife of Spiteful Doubletake Ransomware if you were not careful. This malicious threat is a ransomware that encrypts files, and that means that it is capable of employing an encryption algorithm to ensure that data is corrupted and files become unreadable. The purpose of this kind of attack is to push victims against the wall and make them pay a ransom in return for their files. In some cases, malicious programs only pose as file encryptors, and some threats (e.g., Unit09 Ransomware) wipe files, which means that it is not even possible to decrypt them. It seems that the threat we are discussing in this report is a “normal” file encryptor. Our research team has found an active sample of the infection, but that does not necessarily mean that it is actively attacking Windows users. The tested sample appeared to be incomplete, and the information used in the ransom note was inaccurate. All in all, although the infection appears to be in development at this time, we still need to discuss its removal in case it starts attacking. If you want to learn how to delete Spiteful Doubletake Ransomware, keep reading.
It does not look like Spiteful Doubletake Ransomware is a copy of another well-known infection. This threat was written in PERL programming language, and the way it introduces itself to victims is pretty unique as well. After successful execution, files in the %USERPROFILE% directory are encrypted silently. The “.enc” extension is added to their names, and so you should spot the corrupted files just by looking at them. Otherwise, if you try to open them, you will find that they cannot be read. After encryption, Spiteful Doubletake Ransomware displays a pop-up that reveals the attack and demands a payment of $500 (USD) to be paid in Bitcoin. At the time of research, 500 dollars was around 0.147 Bitcoin. Keep in mind that just like most crypto currencies, Bitcoin is very unstable, and the conversion rates change constantly. In any case, the price is not small, and even those who are tricked into believing that the deal is real should stop and think if the lost files are worth 500 dollars. If they are, you might be thinking of purchasing Bitcoin and transferring it right away, but that would be a mistake. Paying the ransom is not the answer you are looking for. Unfortunately, removing the infection is not it either.
Although Spiteful Doubletake Ransomware is still in development – at least it appears to be – and victims are informed that files would not be restored once they click the “Pay Now” button, it is possible that paying the ransom will become an option in the near future. What would happen if you paid the $500? There is one thing we are sure of, and that is that your files would not be restored. Cyber attackers want nothing to do with you or your files, and all they care about is your savings. Our recommendation is that you delete the infection and keep this money to yourself. Better yet, invest it in your virtual security.
You need to remove Spiteful Doubletake Ransomware launcher. That is the only file that this infection appears to use, and it does not create registry entries or ransom note files. It’s all in the executable. So, where is it? What is its name? We cannot say because that depends on how the infection was dropped onto your computer, and whether or not you executed it yourself. If you are able to delete Spiteful Doubletake Ransomware all on your own, go ahead. There’s no time to waste. Do not ponder about your files because you cannot recover them. If you need help, utilize anti-malware software. We strongly recommend it because besides erasing malware automatically, it also can ensure full-time protection!
N.B. If you want to secure your files in the future, back them up. Do so using cloud storage online or external drives that are not constantly connected to the vulnerable system.