Snopy Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Snopy Ransomware is a malicious computer infection that should be part of the Xorist Ransomware family. This dangerous program enters the target system having only one purpose in mind: money. When it encrypts target files, it says that user has to pay the ransom, or else they will never see their files again. Luckily there is a public decryption tool that allow us to decrypt the files affected by this program. After that, we should focus on removing Snopy Ransomware from the infected system. You can do it either manually or with a reliable security application.

Alas, we’re not that lucky with other ransomware infections. It is far more often that we have to deal with ransomware programs that do not have public decryption tool. When that happens, users are forced to look for other file recovery options. In fact, the best way to restore your files is relying on a file backup. But not everyone has it, so it is important that you take your time to create a file backup that could literally save you in the case of another ransomware infection.

File backup sounds like some grand plan, but it’s really just copies of your files backed up on another storage device. It could be an external hard drive or even a virtual cloud drive. And although this method seems really simple, it’s actually the best bet when it comes to protecting your data from ransomware attacks.

Also, it is a good idea to renew your knowledge on ransomware distribution tactics. The truth is that it’s rather easy to avoid getting infected with a ransomware infection like Snopy Ransomware. It’s often negligence on the user’s part that allows such programs to slither into the target system. So, what’s the most common ransomware distribution method? That would spam email attachments.

Users are tricked into thinking that spam email attachments are legitimate documents they have to check at once. The tone of the message that the file comes with may also be urgent, and if users don’t double-check where that message came from, they might as well think that they have to check this important document or something bad would happen. Of course, the only bad thing that happens is getting infected with ransomware.

When Snopy Ransomware enters the target system, for example, it launches the file encryption immediately. All the files that get encrypted by this program get the ‘.snopy’ extension, so you can easily see the files that were affected. Of course, you would easily notice those files anyway because their icons change, and all the encrypted file icons turn into blank pages because the system can no longer read them.

Like most of the other ransomware infections, Snopy Ransomware also drops a ransom note that you are supposed to read:

All of your Files are encrypted with RSA-2048 ciphers

Decrypting of your Files is only possible with the Private Key.
To receive your Private Key You have to pay about $20 bitcoin

So, it might seem that the price for your files isn’t a lot, but we have already established that there is a public decryption tool that works on Snopy Ransomware, so you don’t even need to think of paying anything. As such, you should focus on removing Snopy Ransomware from your system for good. This program doesn’t drop any additional files, so you should remove the file that launched the infection, along with other temporary files in the %TEMP% directory. For the finishing touches, scan your system with a reliable antispyware tool to make sure that you’ve gotten all the malicious files good.

How to Remove Snopy Ransomware

  1. Delete the most recent files from Desktop.
  2. Go to the Downloads folder.
  3. Remove the most recent files from the folder.
  4. Press Win+R and type %TEMP%. Click OK.
  5. Clear the directory and scan your system with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Snopy Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Snopy Ransomware Screenshots:

Snopy Ransomware


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