If your personal files were encrypted by SIGARETA Ransomware, there really isn’t much you can do. This malware uses complex encryption algorithms to scramble data and make your files unreadable. To put it simply, your files are locked, and you cannot unlock them without a matching decryption key. Where can you get it? Unfortunately, we do not know if you can get it at all. Our researchers have found that SIGARETA Ransomware comes from the same family as NEFILIM Ransomware and Opqz Ransomware infections. Our guess is that the attackers behind this malware might be experienced already, and so they might know what they are doing. Ultimately, that does not matter, because if your files were encrypted, you are stuck either way. Even removing the threat cannot help you. Obviously, deleting SIGARETA Ransomware is important, and you should take care of it as soon as possible.
You might have discovered SIGARETA Ransomware after it encrypted your personal files and added the “.NEFILIM” extension to their names. Otherwise, perhaps you learned about the infection after it changed the Desktop wallpaper and dropped a file named “SIGARETA-RESTORE.txt.” This file, according to our researchers, should be dropped in every affected folder. Unfortunately, SIGARETA Ransomware is likely to encrypt every personal file found on your operating system. The point here is to lock the most valuable and unrecoverable files. If you look at system files, for example, they can be replaced. The operating system can be reinstalled. The files of installed software can be recovered as well. However, when it comes to personal files, unless you have copies stored somewhere safe, you are in trouble. Of course, if you have copies, and if you are going to use them as replacements for the corrupted files, make sure that you remove the malicious threat and secure your operating system first.
If you do not have backups that could help you replace the corrupted files, you might decide to pay attention to the message represented via the wallpaper image and the .TXT file. According to this malware, your files were encrypted and then moved to a remote server. Now, if you do not contact the attackers, you can expect files to be leaked periodically. The message instructs you to send messages to DineshSchwartz1965@protonmail.com, RupertMariner1958@protonmail.com, and StephanForenzzo1985@protonmail.com. Should you do it? It is up to you what you do, but if you want to listen to our advice, we suggest that you keep away from cybercriminals. If you send them a message, they will extort money from you, and while you might be promised a decryptor in return, you are unlikely to receive anything. Cybercriminals are deceptive, and their promises are mostly empty. If you are willing to take risks, at least create a separate email account that you will be able to delete after dealing with the attackers. As for the ransom payment, if you decide to pay it, understand that you are most likely to get nothing in return.
The good news is that SIGARETA Ransomware removes itself after execution, and it only leaves the ransom note and the wallpaper image file behind. We are sure that you can remove these components yourself. That being said, immediate security is not all that you need to think about. Clearly, malware managed to slither in, and if you do not want this to happen again, we strongly recommend that you invest in trustworthy security software. If you install legitimate anti-malware software, it will automatically delete SIGARETA Ransomware and all other threats that might be hidden. Most importantly, it will secure your operating system to keep you protected in the future. Once you clean and secure your system, hopefully, you can replace the corrupted files with safely stored copies. If you do not have copies, make sure you learn how to back up all personal files from this point on.