Scarab-Lolita Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Do not let Scarab-Lolita Ransomware in because once this malicious threat attacks personal files, they cannot be saved. When our malware experts were analyzing this infection, it was not possible to decrypt files manually, and software that could do it automatically did not exist either. Clearly, this threat is very destructive. Of course, if you do not research the infection further, you might not realize it, and then you might assume that the instructions provided to you by the attackers can be trusted. After all, what good does it do for them to leave you hanging once you pay the ransom? Nothing, but the reality is that attackers do not care about you at all, and once the ransom is paid, they can just forget about you. You might bombard them with emails demanding a decryptor, but it is easy for them to just ignore your messages until they set up a new email address, build a new file-encryptor, and move on to a new scheme. That being said, although you might not be able to recover data, you definitely can delete Scarab-Lolita Ransomware.

Most likely, Scarab-Lolita Ransomware got in when you opened a malicious file attached to a seemingly harmless email message. Cyber criminals are smart, and they know how to trick gullible users, which is why you have to be vigilant. If you do not want to face malicious threats, you also need to be cautious about how and what you download, how you take care of your system, and how you interact with the content you can find online. Remember that every single security loophole and backdoor could be exploited by cyber criminals, and if you do not want to give them the chance to attack you, you must be careful. If Scarab-Lolita Ransomware does not slither in, there are plenty of malicious infections that could attack in its place, including Scarab-Skype Ransomware, ABANTES Ransomware, Sad Computer Ransomware, or FilesLocker Ransomware. They are all malicious in their own unique ways, and if you do not delete them right when they slither in, they can make a mess. Scarab-Lolita Ransomware, specifically, encrypts personal files, and so you really want to remove it before it has the chance to take over.

When Scarab-Lolita Ransomware encrypts files, it adds the “.lolita” extension to make them more noticeable, and to ensure that you cannot stop the process, it also disables Task Manager and Registry Editor. These are enabled right after the attack, and so you do not need to figure out how to restore the functionality of these tools. You might not even have to think about the removal of Scarab-Lolita Ransomware because after all files are encrypted, it should remove itself. The original file and the file created in the %APPDATA% directory should disappear. Of course, glitches and errors come up from time to time, and so you have to perform a thorough analysis to make sure that you do not need to delete anything malicious. After the files are encrypted, a file called “How to restore files.txt” is created to deliver the message that cyber criminals want the victims to read. The message is pretty generic, and it simply instructs to email or to get more information. The message alludes to paying the ransom, but no further information is offered.

It is important that you remove Scarab-Lolita Ransomware from your operating system quickly if it hasn’t removed itself already. While the launcher file could be dropped anywhere, and its name is unknown, the copy should be created in %APPDATA% with the name “nero.exe.” Needless to say, identifying and deleting malicious files could be difficult, which is why a malware scanner can be very helpful. Of course, the most helpful instrument is an anti-malware program that can simultaneously delete Scarab-Lolita Ransomware – and other threats if they exist – and secure the operating system. If you do not secure it, there are plenty of other threats that could take their turn to invade your computer and attack your personal files. Ultimately, even if malware does not currently reside on your PC, you want to employ anti-malware software to protect you, and if you have any questions, or you need our advice, use the comments section below.

How to delete Scarab-Lolita Ransomware

  1. Simultaneously tap Win+E to access Windows Explorer.
  2. Enter %APPDATA% into the quick access field at the top.
  3. Right-click and Delete the malicious .exe file (should be named nero.exe).
  4. Find and Delete the malicious .exe file that launched the infection (name/location is unknown, and this file should be automatically deleted after files are encrypted).
  5. Right-click and Delete the file called How to restore files.txt (erase all copies).
  6. Empty Recycle Bin and then perform a full system scan ASAP to check for malware leftovers.
Download Remover for Scarab-Lolita Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Scarab-Lolita Ransomware Screenshots:

Scarab-Lolita Ransomware


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