Rush Music Search Removal Guide

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Rush Music Search is a new browser extension specialists working at have come across recently. It does not have any malicious features, research confirmed that, but you should ask yourself whether you really want to install a program that specialists do not consider 100% reliable before hitting the Download button. No, Rush Music Search is not considered harmful, but, according to specialists, it cannot be called fully reliable software either because it configures Google Chrome settings upon the installation and, on top of that, it might be spread using alternative distribution methods that are definitely not used to promote fully reliable applications. If you have already installed Rush Music Search on your computer but changed your opinion about it almost immediately, you can remove it from the system quite easily. Never keep programs that you do not like or do not use because they will only occupy space on your hard drive and will still perform activities like downloading updates and collecting information about you. As for the Rush Music Search removal, we are sure it will be quick and easy if you first read this article until the end and follow the instructions provided below it. Alternatively, potentially unwanted applications can be removed automatically as well, but you will first need to install an antimalware scanner on your computer, which some users may consider an unnecessary hassle.

Rush Music Search is presented as a useful tool for those who want to search for music online straight from their browsers. This piece of software promises that users will no longer need to open a search provider to perform music searches. Instead, they could type rushmusic into the search tab, press TAB, and then type the search query of their choice. This sounds quite convenient, but there is one thing many users do not know about Rush Music Search when they click the Download button – it changes browsers’ settings. This is probably one of the main reasons they decide to remove this browser plugin from their computers. At the time of analysis, Rush Music Search did not change the default homepage and New Tab. It only changed the default search provider; however, you should not be very surprised if you find your New Tab and homepage altered too after installing Rush Music Search because it is very likely that future versions of this browser plugin will be updated to apply more changes to users’ web browsers. While Rush Music Search might seem to be quite useful at first glance, specialists say that it might be used to distribute commercial advertisements. Additionally, it might be used to collect information about users. Of course, a potentially unwanted application could not access your credentials or other personal details, but it could access a great amount of non-personally identifiable information once installed on the system. Luckily, it is quite easy to get rid of those programs and thus stop all activities they perform.

Let’s now analyze how Rush Music Search is usually distributed. The majority of users download this program from its official website ( or the Chrome Web Store (; however, some users find the Rush Music Search extension installed on their computers without their knowledge. Our specialists have carried out research to find out more about the distribution methods used to promote this piece of software, and it has turned out that users might also be presented with ads promoting it. Also, they might be redirected straight to its download page while browsing certain shady websites or clicking on a third-party link. This is definitely not how 100% reliable programs are distributed, so our specialists could not confirm that Rush Music Search is a program that can be trusted fully. Of course, we do not try to say here that it is malicious because it is far from being real malware.

Rush Music Search can be removed quite easily, so if its presence on your system is undesirable, or you have simply not found this piece of software useful at all, you will get rid of it within a few minutes. Most likely, the removal procedure will be even quicker if you use our manual removal guide. Find it below – it is FREE!

Delete Rush Music Search

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Tap Alt+F.
  3. Select More tools.
  4. Click Extensions.
  5. Select the browser extension named Rush Music Search.
  6. Click Remove.
Download Remover for Rush Music Search *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Rush Music Search Screenshots:

Rush Music Search
Rush Music Search

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