Rapid RaaS Removal Guide

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Cyber criminals have already developed a bunch of Rapid RaaS threats, including Rpd Ransomware, Rapid 2.0 Ransomware, and Rapid Ransomware, but it does not mean that new infections cannot be released soon. There is a possibility that third parties will get the source code of Rapid RaaS and start developing new infections, so it would be best that you would not keep your system unprotected. In our opinion, an unprotected computer is the one that does not have security software running on it. If you have ever encountered a ransomware infection, you probably know well that these are nasty infections that lock personal data. Rapid RaaS ransomware infections are no exception; you will see what we have in mind if you ever encounter any of them. We do not have a decryptor that could unlock files encrypted by Rapid RaaS threats, but we know well how ordinary ransomware infections can be erased from the system. You will find the manual removal guide that will help you to delete the encountered Rapid RaaS infection right below the last paragraph of this report. It does not mean that it is a must to erase infections from the system manually. Malicious applications can be deleted manually as well.

Judging from the previous versions of Rapid RaaS ransomware, new Rapid RaaS versions should be developed to obtain money from users too. If it is true, you will find your personal files encrypted after the successful entrance of such a threat. Ransomware infections tend to lock users’ files with a strong encryption algorithm, e.g. AES-256, so it is not that easy to unlock them. Usually, only a special decryptor can do that. Cyber criminals behind the threat have it, but they do not give it to users for free. You will be asked to pay a ransom to get a tool that can remove a new extension from affected data and thus unlock it. We want to warn you in advance – not all the users get the decryptor from cyber criminals after sending money to them. Unfortunately, it might be impossible to unlock encrypted files without it. When it comes to alternative file recovery methods, only a backup with all your files can help you. That backup cannot be located on the computer affected by Rapid RaaS ransomware – this infection has already locked that backup too. In some cases, specialists release tools users can unlock their files with, but we cannot promise that this is going to happen with new Rapid RaaS versions.

Since we are focusing on future threats based on the Rapid RaaS source code, we do not know how exactly they will be distributed, but we do not think that new distribution methods will be invented. Cyber criminals should distribute new Rapid RaaS ransomware versions using good old methods. For example, users might get an email with a malicious attachment. Cyber criminals might send the Rapid RaaS ransomware infection to those users whose emails were leaked. Also, ransomware infections might be promoted on file-sharing websites. Therefore, you must always double-check software you plan to download from the web. You will also protect yourself from harmful infections by keeping your security application enabled on the system. There is nothing complicated about that, isn’t it?

You will not unlock any files encrypted by Rapid RaaS ransomware, which leaves you with only two options – to purchase the special decryptor or to retrieve files from a backup. We are against making payments to cyber criminals because it is unclear whether this will really help to fix encrypted files. To be honest, there are many users out there who have not received anything from crooks after sending money to them. No matter what you decide to do, the ransomware infection must be erased ASAP. You should use the below-provided instructions to do that, or you can employ an automated antimalware scanner for your convenience.

Delete Rapid RaaS

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
  2. Open Processes.
  3. Kill suspicious processes that could belong to ransomware.
  4. Close Task Manager.
  5. Check %APPDATA%, %TEMP%, %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, and %USERPROFILE%\Desktop.
  6. Delete all suspicious files.
  7. Delete a ransom note if it has been dropped on your PC.
  8. Empty Trash.
  9. Scan your system with a diagnostic antimalware scanner.
Download Remover for Rapid RaaS *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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