RabbitSearch.net Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Hijackers

RabbitSearch.net is not an ordinary search engine. This is an interactive search tool that provides a ton of easy-access links to third-party websites. Some of these websites, like tripadvisor.com or napster.com, are better known, and you might be unfamiliar to others. This search tool offers three search tool: Home, News, and Shopping. If you enter keywords under the Home search, you will be routed to the Google custom search page. Even though this might look like the regular Google Search, the suspicious Google custom search offers sponsored search results, which is the first reason why we recommend deleting RabbitSearch.net from your browsers. There are a few more reasons to delete this search tool.

The News section of RabbitSearch.net is dedicated to links routing to the latest stories by CNN, Sky News, Fox News, CBS, and Huffington Post. Now, the Shopping section is far less diverse, and it simply promotes products associated with shoppingwiz.co, and it is possible that the creator of RabbitSearch.net (Copellov Ltd.) has business relations with the developers of this shopping website (First Offer Ltd.). Even though this might not be a reason to remove the search tool, you must be as careful with the third-party offers, sponsored search results, and banners advertisements. All of them could route you to third-party sites, and the outcome is unpredictable. In the worst case, you might have to delete other threats from your PC. Of course, if you remove RabbitSearch.net, you will not need to worry about these offers and advertisements.

You probably want to delete RabbitSearch.net from your browsers after accidentally applying it as the home page and the default search provider on Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer browsers. Some users complain that this search tool can take over the browsers illegally. If you have found RabbitSearch.net to act as a browser hijacker, there is no doubt that you should remove it. Even if you have installed this search tool yourself, you might want to consider removing it. After all, RabbitSearch.net can be identified as a weaker, more vulnerable version of google.com, so you might as well just remove RabbitSearch.net and install Google Search, or whichever reliable search tool you want to use.

Since RabbitSearch.net is not a real infection, we offer you simple removal instructions that will help you delete RabbitSearch.net from your browsers and install the preferred search tools. If you believe that other infections active on your PC require removal, or you want to take the security measures to ensure that malware cannot attack you in the future, you should install automatic malware removal software.

Delete RabbitSearch.net

Delete from Internet Explorer:

  1. Open the browser, simultaneously tap Alt+T, and click Manage Add-ons.
  2. Select Search Providers and Remove the undesirable search provider.
  3. Simultaneously tap Alt+T again and choose Internet Options.
  4. Click the General tab, edit/remove the Home Page URL, and click OK.

Delete from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open the browser, simultaneously tap Alt+T, and click Options.
  2. Click the General tab, edit/remove the Home Page URL, and click OK.
  3. Click the Search icon located on the Firefox search box (top of the page).
  4. Select Manage Search Engines and Remove RabbitSearch. Click OK.

Delete from Google Chrome:

  1. Open the browser, simultaneously tap Alt+F, and click Settings.
  2. Go to On Startup, mark Open a specific page or set of pages, and click Set pages.
  3. Remove/edit the URL representing the undesirable search tool and click OK.
  4. Go to Appearance, mark Show Home button, and click Change.
  5. Remove/edit the URL representing the undesirable search tool and click OK.
  6. Go to Search, click Manage search engines, and set a new default search provider.
  7. Click X on the URL of RabbitSearch.net to remove it and click Done.
Download Remover for RabbitSearch.net *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

RabbitSearch.net Screenshots:



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