QuickLogin Removal Guide

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If you have numerous email accounts, you might be struggling to keep track of all of them, and this is where QuickLogin jumps in. This generally useless extension offers to make it possible to access all email accounts from one spot. On paper, the PUP (potentially unwanted program) sounds quite promising, but if you take a moment to think about the features offered, you should realize soon enough that it does not deserve your attention at all. If you have not downloaded this extension yet, forget about it now. If it is installed, we have a few important pieces of advice, and we also want to show you how to delete QuickLogin. If you have decided already that that is the next step you want to take, you might not be interested in the extension beyond of what you already know, and you can scroll down to find a full removal guide. On the other hand, if you are confused, you should continue reading to learn more.

The first question we want you to answer to yourself is where did QuickLogin come from? Did you install it using quicklogin.io (the official website)? Did you find its free installer on the Chrome web store (chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/quicklogin/ojifkhgcgmapiocdplfoehalhhfcakhe)? Perhaps you do not remember installing it at all? While official sources do exist, our researchers agree that most Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome users will have downloaded the PUP using strange ads, notifications, and pop-ups. In some cases, they could do that against their own will. Also, other programs could be downloaded along with it. Do you own a free malware scanner you can trust? If you do not, click the Download button and install a tool that will quickly inspect your operating system and help you find out if there are other threats you need to delete. We hope that the only thing you need to remove is QuickLogin, but if that is not the case, do not panic. You can find the removal guides for most PUPs and malicious infections on this very site. If you cannot find what you need, post a comment below.

When you agree to download QuickLogin, you also agree to certain changes within the browser. For one, the homepage/new tab on your browser is changed to represent an interface of a page that displays easy-access links to Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Outlook accounts, along with a search field. The easy-access links, as you can see, are not that useful. You can create the same service for yourself by bookmarking login pages. On Google Chrome, for example, you can do that by visiting the desired page (e.g., google.com/gmail) and tapping keys Ctrl+D. In the pop-up window that shows up, modify the bookmark’s name, choose the folder, and click ‘Done.’ It’s that simple. Of course, convenience is not the only reason we suggest removing QuickLogin as a PUP. This extension is also tremendously suspicious. The search tool, for one, redirects to Yahoo Search without permission, and even though the results appear to be reliable, the PUP is tracking every move you make. So, if you want to use Yahoo Search as your default search provider or homepage, you are free to do so, but you should remove the PUP first.

There’s not much to removing QuickLogin. Find the extension, click the ‘Remove’ button, clear browsing data, restart the browser, and you’re done. If you need step-by-step guidance, follow the instructions you can see below. Of course, if the malware scanner you should have used by now has listed other threats, you need to think if you can erase them all by yourself before you start the process. Maybe it is a better idea to save yourself time and stress by implementing a legitimate anti-malware application? Install it now, and you will solve the second problem you have, which is the security of your operating system and browsers. Protecting it all by yourself is incredibly challenging, and why stress yourself with security-related issues when you can implement a tool that will take care of it automatically? If you need advice picking the tool that could simultaneously secure your system and delete QuickLogin along with other PUPs or threats, do not hesitate to leave a comment below.

How to delete QuickLogin

Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Launch Firefox and tap Ctrl+Shift+A.
  2. Click Extensions in the Add-ons Manager menu.
  3. Click the Remove button next to the unwanted extension.
  4. Tap Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  5. Choose the time range and mark the boxes.
  6. Click Clear Now and then restart the browser.

Google Chrome:

  1. Launch Chrome and tap Alt+F.
  2. In the menu on the right click More tools and then Extensions.
  3. Click the Remove button next to the unwanted extension.
  4. Tap Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
  5. Choose the time range and mark the boxes.
  6. Click Clear data and then restart the browser.
Download Remover for QuickLogin *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

QuickLogin Screenshots:



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