Did Q1G Ransomware invade your operating system? If it did, your personal files are at risk. Once the infection is in, it immediately encrypts files, which means that it changes data of the files to render them unreadable. This is done so that the cybercriminals behind the infection could demand money in return for a decryption tool. Unfortunately, at the time of research, legitimate file decryptors could not help the victims of this malware, and it is unknown if a free decoder will emerge in the future. From what we can see now, if files are encrypted, they are practically lost. This is why victims of this malware are more likely to get trapped. The attackers might make you believe that paying for the decryptor is the best thing you can do, but how can you be sure that you will receive this tool once the money is transferred into the wallet of the crooks? You cannot be sure about this, and that is why we do NOT recommend paying the ransom. Of course, regardless of what you do, you will need to delete Q1G Ransomware at the end, and that is what we focus on in this removal guide.
It is hard to say how Q1G Ransomware slithered into your operating system, but you need to think about your recent activity. Did you open files sent to you via email? Did you download new software? Did you leave your remote access exposed? Cybercriminals are ready to exploit any security backdoor they can find, and it is up to you to ensure that your operating system is secured and malware-free. If you do not take care of this, Q1G Ransomware could be replaced by Jack Ransomware, HACK Ransomware, and any other infection from the Crysis Ransomware (or Dharma Ransomware) family. Also, there are plenty of other families and plenty of other kinds of infections that could try to invade your operating system and make a mess. After successful execution, ransomware encrypts files right away, but since the process is quick and silent, you are unlikely to notice it until a funny extension (“.id-{random number}.[getbtc@aol.com].Q1G”) is added to the files and until they become unreadable.
The attackers behind Q1G Ransomware want your money, and they do not hide it. On the contrary, they make this desire very clear using a message represented via the “getbtc@aol.com” window. This message informs that files were encrypted using RSA1024 key, that you have 7 days to obtain a “secret key,” and that you need to transfer Bitcoins to the attackers’ wallet to get a “decryption program.” If you read this message, you might think that contacting the attackers is the only logical thing to do. Well, if you decide to go along with the demands, you need to be cautious. First and foremost, do NOT use your normal email account, so as not to make it easier for the attackers to scam you in the future. Second, do NOT open files and links sent to you because those could hide malware too. In general, we do not recommend sending messages and then paying the ransom because that is likely to be a waste of time and, of course, money. Do you really think that cybercriminals can be trusted? Surely, you do not, and so you need to consider the possibility that you could get scammed again.
Whether or not you have your files decrypted – and that is unlikely to happen by paying the ransom – you need to remove Q1G Ransomware from your operating system. Hopefully, backups stored online or on external hard drives are already waiting for you, and you can use them to replace the corrupted files as soon as you delete Q1G Ransomware. If you do not have replacements, we do not have any good news for you because if your files were encrypted, it is unlikely that you can have them decrypted. If you cannot follow the manual removal guide below, employ a legitimate anti-malware tool. It will delete the infection, and it will also reinstate protection to ensure that new threats cannot attack you again. Once all is settled, remember to backup all personal files to keep them extra safe.