Plague17 Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

If you are reading this entry, you probably have Plague17 Ransomware on your computer. That is definitely a very discouraging situation, but there is no need to panic. Let’s the idea of a ransomware infection sink in, and then look for ways to solve this problem.

Needless to say, you have to remove Plague17 Ransomware from your computer. Luckily, you can do it without too much difficulty. It is your files that might cause additional problems because there is no public decryption tool available. Nevertheless, there might be a number of file recovery options you can explore.

To mitigate the damage of a ransomware infection, you always have to consider your file backup options. It is always possible to save your files on an external hard drive. Also, there are multiple cloud storage options these days that you can use. Operating system often offer a cloud storage service automatically because that is the best way to ensure a ransomware infection doesn’t leave a permanent damage.

Aside from backing up your files, you should also be careful about the files you receive from unfamiliar senders. Plague17 Ransomware probably spreads through spam email attachments. It is very likely that the files look like regular documents, and the message within the mail urges you to open the document as soon as possible. However, when the tone of the message is urgent, that is one of the main signs of a potential malware scam. If you want to be sure that the file you are about to open is safe, scan it with a security tool first.

But let’s say the worst has happened and Plague17 Ransomware entered your computer. What’s next? Unfortunately, you have to go through the encryption process. During this process, this program locks up most of your personal files. It probably will leave the system files intact. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be able to convey its message. The message that this program wants to convey can be found in the ransom note.

Plague17 Ransomware drops ransom notes in all folders that have encrypted files. The ransom note comes in the Russian language, so it is possible to assume that this program mostly targets users in the Russian Federation and other countries where the Russian language is used extensively. Here’s a translation example of the ransom note this program displays:


If you are reading this notice, it means that your computer was attacked by a dangerous virus.
All your information (documents, databases, backups and other files) on this computer were encrypted.
Write us an email to the address to find out how to get a decryptor.
If we don’t reply within 3 hours, resend the email.

As you can see, there is always a chance that the people behind Plague17 Ransomware might not reply in the first place. Hence, there is no need in trying to contact them. Although it looks like the easiest way to restore your files, computer security experts strongly discourage users transferring ransom payments to these criminals.

Simply follow the instructions to remove Plague17 Ransomware manually. You can delete the encrypted files if you have copies of your files. If not, do not hesitate to address a professional who would help you look for other file recovery methods.

There is always a chance that you may have to say good-bye to your files and start collecting everything from scratch. It might sound daunting, but even so, it shouldn’t be the reason to succumb to the Plague17 Ransomware’s requirements. Be more responsible about the data you encounter online, and also get yourself a legitimate security application that will help you protect your system from a number of threats.

How to Delete Plague17 Ransomware

  1. Remove new suspicious files from Desktop.
  2. Go through affected folders and delete the ransom note copies.
  3. Open the Downloads folder and remove the latest files.
  4. Press Win+R and type %TEMP%. Press OK.
  5. Delete the most recent files from the directory.
  6. Run a full system scan with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Plague17 Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Plague17 Ransomware Screenshots:

Plague17 Ransomware
Plague17 Ransomware


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