Php Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

You are not supposed to notice Php Ransomware right away because if you do, you might figure out that you need to remove it. If you eliminate this infection before it completes its malicious task, the attackers behind it will not be able to terrorize you. That is why the infection is spread using disguises. For example, you could find it attached to a strange email as a document file, or it could be attached as harmless-looking freeware bundled along with more desirable software. If the infection roots itself into your operating system silently, it can encrypt your files using complex encryption algorithms, which are generally used to secure data against intruders, not encrypt files that belong to someone else. It is after this that the infection makes itself visible again, but, of course, it is too late to do anything then. While you might be unable to restore your files – which we discuss further in the report – you still should be able to delete Php Ransomware, and removing this malware is crucial.

We do not know who created Php Ransomware, but we know that they do not have pure intentions. The only reason this infection exists is so that the attackers behind it could demand money in return for a decryptor. That is exactly how Dqb Ransomware and other threats from the Dharma Ransomware family and all other ransomware families act as well. The only good thing about Php Ransomware is that it does not encrypt system files, which is how some file-encryptors act. That means that your system should continue running just fine even with this malware in the picture. Although that is not much of a consolation, at least you will not need to reinstall Windows at the end. As for your personal files, we do not have good news. If your personal documents, photos, or other types of files were encrypted, it is unlikely that you will be able to restore them. While you can delete the “.id-[unique ID code].[].php” extension attached to their names, your files are encrypted for good.

That is exactly what the creators of Php Ransomware intended for. If your files are stuck, the messages represented via the “RETURN FILES.txt” file and the “” window are likely to be more impactful. According to them, you need to message your ID to as soon as possible. Of course, if you did that, the attackers would demand a ransom payment from you. That is meant to be exchanged for a decryptor, whose existence cannot be confirmed right now. Of course, even if this tool existed, do you really think that the attackers would send it to you? We doubt it. Our research team has analyzed hundreds of ransomware infections, and they all have one thing in common, which is that their victims are usually screwed no matter what they do. If you are planning on sending a message to the creator of Php Ransomware to bargain with them, make sure you do not use your normal email account. Create a new one, and once you are done with it, remove it.

Although restoring files corrupted by Php Ransomware might be impossible, you could still replace them. Hopefully, you have backup copies that exist outside the computer, and they can be used as replacements. If that is not the case, you might still be able to recover some files from other devices or your friends, family, and colleagues. If that is not possible, take this as a lesson that file security is extremely important and that you should start backing up ALL personal files from now on. You should also change your Windows protection habits. Clearly, you could do better, and we advise implementing anti-malware software because it would ensure 24/7 that your system is protected against malware attacks. Even better, this software will remove Php Ransomware automatically. This is the best option, considering that removing the threat manually could be tough since its file could have been dropped in any random location.

How to delete Php Ransomware

  1. If you can find the .exe file that executed the threat, right-click and Delete it.
  2. Move to the Desktop and right-click and Delete the file named RETURN FILES.txt.
  3. Empty Recycle Bin to eliminate the infection completely.
  4. Install a reliable malware scanner and use it to scan your operating system for potential leftovers.
Download Remover for Php Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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