PC Utilities Pro - Optimizer Pro Removal Guide

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PC Utilities Pro – Optimizer Pro is a useless computer optimization tool, a newer and less malignant version of the infamous PC Optimizer Pro. While this program is not as intrusive or as hard to remove as the previous version, it still can trick you into paying money for a bogus “full version” and the fact that you should delete PC Utilities Pro – Optimizer Pro remains solid. At the very best, this program is a useless clutter that will annoy you with constant warning notifications and will not do a single thing to actually improve your computer’s performance. An example of that is the bogus messages it displays. The following two messages were shown within an interval of one day on the same computer, without deleting or fixing anything in between:

Attention! 8647 items to clean and optimize on your PC

Attention! 1628 items to clean and optimize on your PC

As you can see, it is quite obvious that the warning message this program displays are made up. While it is entirely true that your computer could have, and actually, probably has registry errors, files you could delete and such, PC Utilities Pro – Optimizer Pro is not the program you need to fix that. The program is available for download at pcutilitiespro.com; however, it could have just as easily been a bundled download. Whichever is a case, the fact still remains that it can only slow down your computer, annoy you with all the fake alerts and make you spend your money completely unnecessarily. Please see an excerpt from their Terms and Conditions:

PCUtilitiesPro.com does not make any warranty that the service will meet all your requirements, necessities nor demands, and the results will be completely reliable or accurate.

Simply said, they state themselves that the program they want you to pay $34.95 for will probably not do any good. If you, however, choose to uninstall it, they will offer you a “coupon” for a fifty percent discount. That is not a limited offer by any means, and your $17.45 would be just as wasted as the previous sum. If you have been researching this program on your own, you must have seen that its previous version would get absolutely terrible reviews, and that is for a very good reason – the program is not worth keeping in your computer. Many of its ex users advise you to remove PC Utilities Pro – Optimizer Pro, and they are absolutely correct.

Fortunately, the removal process is significantly less complicated than it used to be for the earlier programs from PC Utilities Software Ltd. In order to successfully delete PC Utilities Pro – Optimizer Pro, you will need to follow simple instructions below. However, you should note that simply eliminating this dangerous program does not mean your computer is now safe. You should still scan it with a reliable security tool that will alert you of bogus potentially dangerous programs in the future.

PC Utilites Pro – Optimizer Pro Removal Guide

Windows 8:

  1. Open Metro UI screen.
  2. Right-click any of the programs.
  3. Select Uninstall on the tab that shows up below.
  4. Programs and Features will open.
  5. Click on and Uninstall PC Utilities Pro- Optimizer Pro.

Windows Vista/7:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Go to Control Panel.
  3. Select Remove a program.
  4. Select and Uninstall the Optimizer Pro.

Windows XP:

  1. Click Start.
  2. Open Control Panel.
  3. Select Add or Remove Programs.
  4. Click on and Uninstall the useless software.
Download Remover for PC Utilities Pro - Optimizer Pro *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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