Payeer Virus Removal Guide

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Category: Malware

Payeer Virus is a fake security application, else known as rogue antispyware. It means that this program intends to convince unsuspecting users that their computers are infected with viruses, Trojans and other malware. The reason Payeer Virus needs to do that is money. When users are convinced that their computers are seriously infected, they are more likely to spend their money on a product that cannot live up to its promises. You should not succumb to the rogue’s threats. Remove Payeer Virus immediately with a reliable antispyware application, and then run a full system scan because there is a high chance that you have more than just one threat on your PC.

According to your security research, Payeer Virus targets computer users in Russia and Russian speaking countries. It is easy to see from the list of the websites that it blocks. The list includes mostly popular Russian websites, and also some domains that are commonly used all around the world. The disturbing fact is that Payeer Virus does not employ any specifically malicious means of distribution. It is very common that users download and install this dangerous rogue antispyware application onto their systems willingly. It happens because Payeer Virus is often bundled with potentially unwanted software; it might be hidden behind commercial pop-up ads, or come as spam email attachment.

Whenever you encounter something unfamiliar or strange, you should refrain from clicking an ad, installing a program and opening an email. As far as potentially unwanted programs are concerned, you should NEVER download an application from a third-party website because Payeer Virus and similar rogue could exploit freeware apps for their distribution. Also, staying away from adware-ridden websites is also a good way to avoid potential infections. Adware may not be direct computer security threat, but it is often used by cybercriminals to promote their products.

Once Payeer Virus enters your computer, it drops an .exe file into the %APPDATA% directory. The name of the file differs from computer to computer, but it will be something like w1ndows_b456. This file infects Windows hosts file by modifying it without your permission. When Payeer Virus modifies your hosts file, it adds a list of websites that must be blocked, including,,,, and so on. Whenever you will try to access a website on the list, Payeer Virus will display a notification in Russian that says your computer is in danger. It will claim that a number of malicious infections have been found on your PC, and thus your access to a particular website is blocked in order to prevent any further infections.

Payeer Virus then redirects you to where you are asked to pay from 4 to 6 USD. If you pay, the infection promises to delete all the “viruses” from your computer. Needless to say that it is not true. None of the infections pointed out by Payeer Virus is real, and by paying you would only lose your money because the rogue infection would not disappear.

You need to acquire a reliable antispyware tool and then remove Payeer Virus automatically. Make use of SpyHunter free scanner to determine which files need to be deleted from your PC right now. However, if you are just an average computer user, do not try removing Payeer Virus manually because it might result in serious system errors. To get rid of the list of the blocked websites, you can modify your Windows hosts file settings on your own. It is not hard to do – you simply need to follow the instructions below.

Modify Windows hosts file

  1. Open Computer and select Local Disc (C:).
  2. Go Windows folder and double-click System32.
  3. Open drivers folder and select etc.
  4. Open hosts file with Notepad.
  5. Remove everything below # localhost and # ::1 localhost.
  6. Save changes and exit the file.

For any further computer security-related questions, do not hesitate to leave us a comment below.

Download Remover for Payeer Virus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Payeer Virus Screenshots:

Payeer Virus
Payeer Virus
Payeer Virus


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