Even though Outsider Ransomware tries to imply that some unknown entity has encrypted your photos, documents, and other kinds of personal files, you should figure out quickly that you are being scammed. Unfortunately, your personal files are, indeed, on the line, and so you might think that there is nothing for you to do but fulfill the demands of the attackers. The thing here is that even if you do as told – and we discuss the conditions further in this report – you are unlikely to get your files restored. Files are encrypted using a strong algorithm (RSA-1024), and there is no way out. The creator of the infection might have a decryptor, but that certainly does not mean that they would give it to you if you paid money for it. The truth is, there are no guarantees and that the attackers cannot be forced to do the right thing, and if you believe that they would choose themselves to help you out, you truly are naive. In a situation like this, the only thing you can do is delete Outsider Ransomware.
You have to be mindful about the software/files you download, the updates you skip or install, the links you click, or the spam emails you interact with because these are the security backdoors that malicious infections can use to slither in. If the conditions are right, and Outsider Ransomware finds its way in, your personal files are encrypted momentarily. Afterward, you should see the “.protected” extension appended to all of their names. The name of this infection comes from the word “outsider” included in the ransom note, which is delivered using a text file. This file is called “HOW_TO_RESTORE_FILES.txt” and you should find copies of it scattered all over the place. Note that every single copy of this file should be removed from your operating system. If you open this file, you are immediately informed about an alleged “SYSTEM SECURITY ALERT.” The message attempts to convince you that “your SERVER was tried to be attacked by an outsider.” The following statement in the message claims that you must change the server’s password using a minimum of eight characters. The message then claims that you must pay money to have the files decrypted and damage prevented, and that is when you should realize that you are dealing with an infection that requires removal.
According to the instructions that Outsider Ransomware presents using the TXT file, you must pay $900 in a form of Bitcoin to the 1CfMU2eKnajfpnYvLbWR3m7jZRXujtx8Cm Bitcoin Wallet. At the time of research, 2.667 Bitcoin was transferred into this wallet, but it is possible that it is linked to multiple infections or that the attackers are using it in other ways. That being said, 2.666 Bitcoin converted to around 10,675 USD at the time of analysis, and that is a lot of money. Hopefully, this money was not received from the victims of Outsider Ransomware. According to the ransom note, if the victim paid the ransom and then sent a unique ID to secureserver@memeware.net, a “DECRYPTION TOOL” would be sent back to them. Who’s to say that this is not a scam? Most likely it is because we haven’t seen many – only a few out of thousands – of infections that actually made it possible for victims to decrypt files.
You must remove Outsider Ransomware, and there is no question about that. But how should you do it? Although there aren’t many steps that you need to take to delete this infection manually, you must know where the launcher is. We cannot know its location or name, and so it is up to you to find and remove it. Of course, you do not need to panic because a reliable anti-malware program can take care of things automatically. Use it to delete Outsider Ransomware and other active infections (others could exist) automatically, and also use it to protect your operating system. Reliable and continuous protection is exactly what you need if you want to forget about malware and never think about it again. Setting up reliable security software is not all you should do in preparation. It is also important that you backup your files because if malware attacks your original files again, you will have copies to replace them!