OnlineGuard Removal Guide

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Category: Fake Antispyware

OnlineGuard is a rogue anti-spyware that can block the running of executable files to paralyze the affected operating system. According to our researchers, the clandestine infection comes from the same family of fake AVs as Spy-Shredder and AntiSpyKit. These infections pretend to act as authentic security tools to trick Windows users into thinking that they need to register for supposedly beneficial security services. If you purchase the full version of the fictitious malware remover OnlineGuard, you virtual security will become even more exposed than it already is. So what is the solution? You have to delete OnlineGuard, and you have to do this NOW.

According to our researchers, OnlineGuard is not a new infection. In fact, this fake security tool was first detected quite a few years ago. Unfortunately, this threat is quite powerful. Any infection that can block the running of executable files is very dangerous. If you cannot run .exe files, you will not be able to install new software (e.g., reliable malware removal software), launch browsers and research OnlineGuard, open the Task Manager and terminate malicious processes, or launch the Registry Editor and delete the rogue’s registry keys. Needless to say, cyber criminals standing behind OnlineGuard will use this to prolong the lifespan of the fictitious malware detection and removal tool.

Inexperienced computer users often struggle with the detection and the removal of attacking infections. Unfortunately, OnlineGuard is not an obvious threat, and some users may have trouble identifying it as a serious infection as well. The interface of OnlineGuard is extremely deceiving, and the information it presents is misguiding as well. Have you already noticed the intimidating OnlineGuard scanner reports and the disturbing pop-ups rushing you to delete Trojans, worms, keyloggers, and other dangerous threats? You cannot trust any alerts and warning presented by the rogue, because they are fictitious.

Needless to say, the removal of OnlineGuard is not a simple operation. Even if you manage to get around its preventing you from running .exe files, you will have to remove different components of this complicated infection. What is more, you may have to delete other active threats as well. What we recommend is the installation of reliable, automatic malware removal software. The guides below show how to install this software onto your Windows operating system. Even though it is important to delete OnlineGuard, there is one more reason why you should install this software. If you do not safeguard the operating system now, other dangerous infections that you will need to delete will attack soon enough.

N.B. You must remove OnlineGuard even if you have already registered for its license. If the malicious files remain active, the rogue could be reactivated, and your system could be paralyzed again.

How to delete OnlineGuard

Delete from Windows XP:

  1. Restart the computer, wait for BIOS to load, and immediately start tapping the F8 key.
  2. Once the reboot menu appears, select Safe Mode with Networking using the arrow keys.
  3. If the Windows is running in safe mode notification shows up, click YES.
  4. Once the PC reboots, navigate to the left of the Taskbar, click the Start button, and launch RUN.
  5. Type msconfig and tap Enter (on the keyboard) to open the System Configuration Utility.
  6. Click the Startup tab, then click the Disable All button, and select OK.
  7. Restart the PC in the Normal Mode and immediately launch the browser.
  8. Download the automatic malware removal tool from .
  9. Install the program and remove OnlineGuard together with other running threats.

Delete from Windows Vista/Windows 7:

  1. Repeat steps 1-2 (see removal instructions for Windows XP users).
  2. Launch the browser and type into the address box.
  3. Click the Download button and follow the on-screen installation guide.
  4. Use the installed program to scan the PC, identify running threats, and remove OnlineGuard.

Delete from Windows 8:

  1. Tap the Windows key on the keyboard to access the Metro UI menu.
  2. Launch a web browser and visit .
  3. Download the automatic malware detection and removal tool SpyHunter.
  4. Install the program, initiate a system scan, and delete the discovered threats.
Download Remover for OnlineGuard *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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