MyOfficeTab Removal Guide

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MyOfficeTab is a Chrome extension that can be classified as a potentially unwanted program. This extension might be added to your browser accidentally. If you did not plan to have this extension, you can easily remove it right now.

However, do not forget to check your system for other potential threats because MyOfficeTab usually comes with other unwanted applications. If you want to terminate all the undesirable programs at once, you should get yourself a licensed antispyware tool that will do the job for you automatically. At the same time, it will also protect your system from similar intruders in the future.

Investing in a legitimate security application may not be enough to ensure your system’s safety. You might also need to review your web browsing habits because we are sure they are the main reason MyOfficeTab was added to your browser.

This extension has an official homepage via However, users who complain about this potentially unwanted program seldom add it directly from the official website. Instead, it tends to travel bundled with freeware. Therefore, you can avoid adding such apps to your system if you are careful during freeware installation.

First, you should refrain from downloading freeware from third-party websites. Next, when you launch the installation wizard, you should read all the steps carefully, instead of skipping them. There might be a step that informs you about MyOfficeTab. So if you just skip those steps, you would miss your chance to deselect this extension.

What’s more, if MyOfficeTab comes from pop-ups, you are ALWAYS given the change to add the extension or not. All you have to do is read what the pop-up has to say. Of course, sometimes these pop-ups might be really intrusive. In some cases, they might also prevent you from closing the pop-up window, but you can also kill your browser by press Alt+F4, thus successfully closing the page that offers MyOfficeTab. In other words, this extension is not a malicious infection, and you can easily avoid it.

Technically, this application should help you access your Google documents via your browser. However, it is rather doubtful whether you really need a third-party app for that. What’s more, MyOfficeTab performs quite a few changes on your browser, and it essentially ends up monitoring your web browsing history. Of course, the extension isn’t sophisticated enough to collect personally identifiable information, but it could collect various data for online marketing purposes.

The biggest security risk associated with these extensions is potential exposure to corrupted content. MyOfficeTab and other similar apps could promote third-party content they do not review. Hence, anyone can embed their content in the advertising space offered by this application.

We are not trying to say that MyOfficeTab intends to steal your information or anything like that. This app simply tries to make money for its developers via third-party advertising. However, these are the security issues that you should not ignore.

You can reset your browser settings to default to get rid of MyOfficeTab, or you can remove it following the instructions below. Whichever way you choose, please make sure that you terminate all the unwanted applications at once.

How to Delete MyOfficeTab

  1. Press Win+R and enter %LocalAppData%. Press OK.
  2. Navigate to Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Exetnsions.
  3. Delete the efaaaiddmmcbkijhpmfpbgidlmcihmie folder.
Download Remover for MyOfficeTab *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

MyOfficeTab Screenshots:



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