MCrypt2019 Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

When the dangerous MCrypt2019 Ransomware invades your operating system, you might think that a technical issue has occurred or that Windows went out of order. That is because when this infection slithers into the operating system, it encrypts almost everything in its way. According to our research team, the tested sample made Explorer crash, and that might make it extremely difficult to operate the system in general. If you cannot even navigate through your operating system, you might not discover the ransom note either, and the attackers might miss the opportunity to trick you into giving them your money. That is why we believe that this could be a temporary glitch/error. Obviously, if your system becomes inoperable, there is nothing for you to do but to reinstall Windows. Your files will be lost in the process, but if they are encrypted, they are lost already. On the other hand, if you can delete MCrypt2019 Ransomware to regain control over your system, you should not hesitate to initiate the removal process.

Are you familiar with Xorist Ransomware? That is an old infection that our research team has long forgotten, but now we are reminded of it because of MCrypt2019 Ransomware. As it turns out, this new infection is just a different version of the old one. What does that mean? Are the same attackers behind it? That could be the case, but it is also possible that someone has recycled the same malware code. During our tests, it was found that the malicious MCrypt2019 Ransomware is most likely to enter your system via RDP backdoors or spam emails. Without a doubt, if your system is vulnerable, if security issues are not fixed, if you open spam email attachments carelessly, if you visit unreliable websites, if you download files from questionable sources, and if you do other risky things, your chances of letting malware in increase significantly. When the malicious ransomware slithers in, it stays quiet, and the files are encrypted silently. Afterward, you will find that most (if not all) files have the “.exe” extension and cannot be read. That means that they were encrypted.

As soon as files are encrypted, MCrypt2019 Ransomware also replaces the background wallpaper. A file named “LOLALOUD123.bmp” is employed, and it displays text that informs about encryption and that points to “HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.HTM” for more information. This file has copies in every affected location, and so finding it should not be difficult; provided that your system is not crashing, of course. Before you remove MCrypt2019 Ransomware ransom note file, you can open it to read the message inside. Basically, it informs that a decryption key must be purchased if the victim wants to have the files restored. The key costs $600, and the ransom must be paid in Bitcoins to the attacker’s Bitcoin Wallet, whose address is 1LS32VsvWhWU6ud9h3xEJuJzgEbRtBnymE. At the time of research, this wallet was empty. After the payment, the victim is instructed to email, but you should not do it unless you want more problems. Paying the ransom is likely to be ineffective, as the attackers are likely to take the money and run away, so to speak. As for sending them a message, they could use this link to expose you to scams and malware in the future. If you want to be safe, stay away from the attackers!

A full manual MCrypt2019 Ransomware removal guide below is available, but we cannot guarantee that you will get the chance to use it or even install anti-malware software that could delete the infection’s launcher, its copy, and other components automatically. If the system crashes or becomes inoperable, your only option might be to reinstall Windows. In both cases, your personal files are likely to be lost. If you have backups stored on external drives or on virtual clouds, you are good. Reinstall Windows or delete MCrypt2019 Ransomware, and then transfer your personal files back onto the computer. To prevent malware from slithering in and causing chaos in the future, we suggest installing reliable anti-malware software. Also, do not forget to backup files to ensure that they are always safe, regardless of potential malware invasions.

How to delete MCrypt2019 Ransomware

  1. Delete the {unique name}.exe file that launched the infection.
  2. Launch Explorer (tap Win+E keys) and enter %temp% into the bar at the top.
  3. Delete the {unique name}.exe file that is the copy of the original launcher.
  4. Launch Run (tap Win+R keys) and enter regedit into the box.
  5. In Registry Editor, go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  6. Delete the {unique name} value that is associated with the copy file in %temp%.
  7. Delete the ransom note file called HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.HTM from all affected folders.
  8. Delete the ransom note file named LOLALOUD123.bmp and restore the original wallpaper.
  9. Empty Recycle Bin and quickly install a reliable malware scanner.
  10. Perform a full system scan to check if there is anything else you need to eliminate.
Download Remover for MCrypt2019 Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

MCrypt2019 Ransomware Screenshots:

MCrypt2019 Ransomware
MCrypt2019 Ransomware
MCrypt2019 Ransomware


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