Lokas Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Lokas Ransomware is one of those malicious applications that lock your data and then show a message demanding to pay in exchange for decryption tools. As you probably realize, dealing with cybercriminals could be risky, because even if you do your part and pay a ransom, they might still not send you needed decryption tools. In such a case, the transferred money would be lost in vain. If you do not want to risk this happening to you, we advise ignoring the ransom note and erasing Lokas Ransomware. Users who back up their data can easily replace locked files, and those who do not have backups could try downloading a free decryption tool created by cybersecurity specialists. Thus, all that is left to do is browse the Internet and download it. Just make sure it comes from a reliable source. For more information about the malware, you should continue reading our article, and if you need help while erasing it, you may want to check our deletion instructions located below.

There are a few ways Lokas Ransomware could enter a system. For example, it could get in through unprotected RDP connections or other weaknesses. Consequently, we highly recommend removing any vulnerabilities your computer might have, such as weak passwords and outdated software. Also, such threats are often spread through Spam emails. Therefore, users who want to keep away from them should be extra careful with suspicious email attachments. Malicious data can be disguised to look like pictures or documents, so suspicious files are not necessarily .exe files. What you should pay attention to is where the attachment comes from. Always check if the sender’s email address is not forged and scrutinize other available details. Of course, to be sure an attachment is not dangerous, you could scan it with a reliable security tool first.

However, if Lokas Ransomware sneaks in, the malware might drop its files on a system and create scheduled tasks as well as Registry data in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Such records may allow the malware to launch itself automatically with each system restart. Users who receive this malicious application should keep this in mind because it means the threat might be able to encrypt new files every time it launches. Data that gets affected receives .lokas extension, which is why the malware got its name. Afterward, it is supposed to drop a ransom note that might be called _readme.txt. Inside the document, users ought to find a message asking to contact the malicious application’s developers and pay a ransom. Since the sum is quite enormous, we do not recommend paying it if you do think you can risk losing $490 or $980. If you refuse to pay, we advise deleting Lokas Ransomware.

As said earlier, there is a free decryption tool that ought to let you decrypt files affected by Lokas Ransomware. Such a tool was created for Stop Ransomware, but since Lokas Ransomware is just another clone of it, the mentioned decryption tool ought to work on its encrypted data too. However, first, we recommend removing Lokas Ransomware either with the instructions placed at the end of this paragraph or a reliable antimalware tool of your choice.

Erase Lokas Ransomware

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Pick Task Manager.
  3. Select the Processes tab.
  4. Look for a process associated with the malware.
  5. Select the process and click End Task.
  6. Leave Task Manager.
  7. Tap Win+E.
  8. Locate the following directories:
  9. Find a malicious file downloaded before the malware appeared (e.g., updatewin.exe).
  10. Right-click the doubtful file and select Delete.
  11. Find this path: %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks
  12. Locate a file named Time Trigger Task, right-click it and press Delete.
  13. Search for these locations:
    %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
  14. Find folders with random names containing malicious .exe files, e.g., 98476567-cf82-2ac9-c730-d7b68b0c107a.
  15. Right-click such folders and select Delete.
  16. Leave File Explorer.
  17. Tap Win+R.
  18. Insert Regedit and click OK.
  19. Go to this path: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  20. Locate a value name called SysHelper or similarly.
  21. Right-click it and press Delete.
  22. Leave Registry Editor.
  23. Empty Recycle bin.
  24. Reboot the device.
Download Remover for Lokas Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Lokas Ransomware Screenshots:

Lokas Ransomware


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