Live PDF Converter Removal Guide

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Did you download Live PDF Converter for an alleged optimized search experience or to convert files to PDF for free? In either case, we do not recommend keeping this extension installed. While it can both find search results and convert files, there is more than meets the eye. According to our researchers, the extension also can collect information about your virtual behavior, it can share information with unknown parties, it can expose you to a search engine that you are likely to trust without reason, and it can also expose you to advertisements when browsing the web. If none of this sounds terrible, you should continue reading to understand why exactly we recommend deleting Live PDF Converter. If you understand the reasons already, scroll down to find important removal tips and a complete, step-by-step removal guide. Also, do not hesitate to ask us questions in the comments section if you have any.

You might not know this, but Live PDF Converter is very similar to SearchZone, SearchOpedia, SearchHD, and other Google Chrome extensions. This is not surprising, considering that one company – webcoapps – stands behind all of them. As you can see, the name of the extension we are discussing is slightly different, and it was also found that the interface of the extension is different too. Perhaps the creator is testing out other models. Nonetheless, all extensions are identified as potentially unwanted programs, but people might think that they are harmless and even useful. Every single webcoapps PUP introduces its users to a “portal” page via the New Tab page. Live PDF Converter introduces This is how the PUP is represented, and the interface is meant to display useful widgets along with a search engine. The new PUP has only one widget, which is a PDF convert. Ultimately, this does not matter. What matter is that it represents an unreliable search tool. Even if you ignore the New Tab page, you are unlikely to be able to ignore the default search provider,

Even though it might seem that Live PDF Converter is all about PDF conversion, this extension was created to introduce Google Chrome users to a completely unreliable search tool. If you enter keywords into it, you are automatically redirected to Yahoo Search. This is a trick. People love and trust this search engine, and they automatically assume that the results are reliable. They are not because Live PDF Converter modifies them. As stated in the description at – which is where people are likely to download the PUP from – Live PDF Converter is meant to optimize your search results that are “powered by Yahoo.” How you do think the PUP optimizes them? Unfortunately, it does that by injecting advertisements. Moreover, these ads belong to parties we are not introduced to via the Privacy Policy, but the statement reveals that the PUP uses tracking cookies to gather information, some of which can be shared with these parties.

It must come as no surprise that we suggest removing Live PDF Converter. Sure, it can convert files, but it also can track you, expose you to unknown parties, and also exploit a well-known search engine to display ads. If you realize just how dangerous this is, you will want to delete the PUP without further delay. So, how are you going to take care of that? Will you delete Live PDF Converter manually, or will you install trusted anti-malware software to do it automatically? Both options have their own advantages. If you decide to proceed manually, you will not need to invest money. However, if you invest in trusted anti-malware software, you will not need to worry about the removal of any threats or the security of your system and browsers in the future. Note that PUPs are not the worst kind of threats out there, and if you have not yet faced serious malware, this might be the right time to take care of full-time protection.

How to delete Live PDF Converter from Google Chrome

  1. Open the browser.
  2. Type chrome://extensions into the address bar and tap Enter.
  3. Remove the undesirable extension.
  4. Type chrome://settings/ into the address bar and tap Enter.
  5. Click Clear browsing data under Privacy and security.
  6. In the Advanced menu, select an appropriate time range.
  7. Choose appropriate boxes and click Clear dfata.
  8. Restart the browser.
Download Remover for Live PDF Converter *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Live PDF Converter Screenshots:

Live PDF Converter


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