Kuub Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

The hackers behind Kuub Ransomware ask for a considerable sum for providing tools that might be able to restore files affected by this malicious application. We often advise against paying ransom because there is always a risk a user could be scammed, even if cybercriminals sound reassuring. If you came across this malware and have no idea what to do, we invite you to read our report and learn all the important details about it. What’s more, at the end of the text, you can find instructions showing how to get rid of Kuub Ransomware manually. Naturally, if you do not feel up to such a task, we encourage you to use a reliable security tool of your choice. If you have any questions or need assistance with the infection’s removal, you could leave us a comment at the end of this page.

There are various ways a threat like Kuub Ransomware could be spread. The most popular ones are sending victims email attachments, misusing weaknesses like uncensored RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) connections, or bundling malicious launchers with various installers. To protect your computer from ransomware and malicious applications alike, you should first secure your computer by removing its vulnerabilities and installing a reliable security tool. Next, we advise not to interact with Spam emails or messages from someone you do not know. Also, it would be smart to keep away from file-sharing sites that distribute pirated software, questionable freeware, and material alike as it can be bundled with malware.

If Kuub Ransomware gets in as some file in disguise, users may not realize their system got infected for a while. Such threats can work silently in the background until they finish encrypting all targeted files. This threat seems to be after pictures, documents, archives, video/audio files, and so on. As each file gets encrypted, it should receive the malware’s extension, for example, a file named document.docx should become document.docx.kuub. If a user notices these changes on some files, he might be able to realize what is happening before the threat finishes encrypting his data. If not, you might be notified of what has happened by the infection.

As you see, Kuub Ransomware should drop a text file called _readme.txt in the C: disk and launch it too. Inside of it, there should be a message saying: “ATTENTION! Don't worry, you can return all your files!” Such messages are called ransom notes. That is because most of them contain instructions on how to pay a ransom. This case is not an exception, as the malware’s note asks to pay $490 in 72 hours or pay the full price, which is $980 if the time runs out. Also, before doing so, the hackers ought to ask to contact them via email and suggest sending one file for free decryption as a guarantee.

We should stress that proving the decryption tools you would need to decipher your files exist does not guarantee the hackers will deliver them without asking for more money. In other words, paying a ransom is risky as you cannot be entirely sure about what the malware’s developers will do. If you have any backup copies, we recommend using them instead to restore your files. Of course, it is essential to delete Kuub Ransomware first to protect your backup copies as well as new data that you may yet download, create, or receive.

Our specialists report that Kuub Ransomware auto starts with the operating system. Meaning, it could begin the encryption process every time you restart a computer. This could be dangerous to new files that have not been encrypted yet. Thus, we advise not to take any chances and erase Kuub Ransomware. To eliminate it manually, you should follow the deletion instructions located below. On the other hand, if you are inexperienced or the instructions seem too challenging, we advise using a reliable security tool instead.

Get rid of Kuub Ransomware

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Pick Task Manager.
  3. Select the Processes tab.
  4. Look for a process associated with the malware.
  5. Select the process and click End Task.
  6. Leave Task Manager.
  7. Tap Win+E.
  8. Go to these locations:
  9. Find the malicious file opened before the system got infected, right-click it, and select Delete.
  10. Search for files named _readme.txt, right-click them, and select Delete.
  11. Check this location: %LOCALAPPDATA%
  12. See if you can find the malware’s folder with a random name, e.g., 3915189A-Sa55-7faA-a89s-c2pL4175139a, right-click it and choose Delete.
  13. Go to: C:\SystemID
  14. Find a file named PersonalID.txt, right-click it, and choose Delete.
  15. Close File Explorer.
  16. Empty Recycle Bin.
  17. Restart the computer.
Download Remover for Kuub Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Kuub Ransomware Screenshots:

Kuub Ransomware


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