KBK Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

When ransomware comes from a group of similar infections, it is natural to assume that the same program will be rediscovered again and again. KBK Ransomware may not look like a very unique application because it is another version of GlobeImposter 2.0 Ransomware, but it doesn’t mean that it cannot cause enough harm on its own.

Please scroll down to the bottom of this description for the manual removal instructions and delete KBK Ransomware from your system for good. To protect your system fully from dangerous threats, be sure to invest in a licensed antispyware tool.

Please be aware of the fact that no matter how powerful your security application is, it cannot help you restore your files once they have been encrypted by KBK Ransomware. The best way to prevent the damage that can be caused by a ransomware infection is backing your data up either on an external hard drive or a cloud drive. Although it might seem cumbersome, if you choose the cloud drive option, you can set it to upload new files to the drive automatically, the moment they are created, and so, you wouldn’t have to copy and paste everything manually.

Aside from backing up your files, you should also find out more about ransomware distribution methods. If you know how KBK Ransomware and other similar applications spread around, you should be able to avoid them.

Our research suggests that KBK Ransomware travels via unsafe RDP connections and spam emails. The ransomware can reach you through spam email attachments, and these attachments often look like regular document files. For example, someone might urge you to open an MS Word or Excel file, saying the file contains an important document. It is very often that when the attached file carries malware, it requires you to enable macros. If you do that, it allows the dangerous file to connect to the Internet and download the main payload (i.e. the ransomware).

In other words, if you are careful about the files you receive, if you delete messages from unfamiliar parties at once, you will definitely protect yourself from KBK Ransomware. However, if this program enters your computer, it will launch a full-fledged encryption, and all of your personal files will get encrypted.

It is easy to see, which files were affected by this infection because their icons will change, once the system can no longer reach them. If that weren’t enough, KBK Ransomware also adds an extension to the affected files. For example, if you had a dog.jpeg file before the encryption, after the encryption, the file will look like dog.jpeg.{Killback@protonmail.com}KBK. Finally, the infection will also let you know how to contact its creators for more information on the decryption key. Here’s an extract from the ransom note this program displays:


To decrypt all your files, you need a decryption program.
✖ Only we can decrypt your files.
✖ Do not try to decrypt your files yourself. You can damage them when trying to restore
✖ Do not run antivirus!

Of course, contacting the criminals is not an option. As mentioned, the best way to deal with this intruder is to remove KBK Ransomware right now, and then delete the encrypted files, swapping them with the healthy copies.

If you need more file recovery options, feel free to address a professional. Whatever you do, do not contact these criminals because they will only ask you to pay for a product that most probably cannot deliver.

How to Remove KBK Ransomware

  1. Press Win+R and the Run prompt will open.
  2. Type %AppData% into the Open box. Click OK.
  3. Remove the ransomware.exe file and press Win+R.
  4. Enter regedit and click OK.
  5. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce.
  6. On the right pane, right-click the BrowserUpdateCheck value and click Delete.
  7. Close Registry Editor and run a full system scan with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for KBK Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

KBK Ransomware Screenshots:

KBK Ransomware


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