Junior Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

There is nothing “junior” about Junior Ransomware. It is a fully-functioning ransomware infection that can leave your machine full of encrypted files. Just like all the other ransomware programs out there, this one has arrived to rip you off, expecting you to pay the ransom fee for a decryption key that it might not even deliver. You should not wait any longer: remove Junior Ransomware from your computer today, and then make sure that you do not get infected with similar threats in the future. Dealing with ransomware might be challenging, but it is not hopeless.

Our research team says that this program is another version of Paradise Ransomware. It means that both programs probably use the same code, and they also share similar behavior patterns. Nevertheless, it is unfortunate that we cannot use the same decryption key across similar programs from the same family. Usually, each program (and sometimes each infection) requires a unique decryption key that cannot be shared. However, just because we cannot use the previous keys to unlock your files, it doesn’t mean that this piece of information is useless. It can help us know this program spreads and how it behaves.

As for the ransomware distribution, the truth is that it wouldn’t be that hard to avoid Junior Ransomware and other similar infections if users were more attentive. Normally, ransomware spreads through spam email messages, and you should be able to delete these messages without opening them. Phishing emails that are part of the ransomware distribution network often have an urgent tone. They might come with files that look like regular MS Office documents, but they will usually ask you to enable Macros to view those documents. The problem is that the moment you enable those macros, you allow the malware do slither into your PC.

Once Junior Ransomware is there, the program will encrypt your files. You can easily see which files were affected by the infection because their icon changes, but the program will also add an appendix to every single encrypted file. This appendix contains the email address that you are supposed to use in order to contact these criminals. It also comes with a user ID that is unique across infected systems. Aside from encrypting your files, Junior Ransomware also drops a ransom note in every single folder that has affected files. The ransom note is pretty generic and comes with very poor English:

All your files was encrypted!
Paradise Team!
All important data that was stored on this computer have been stolen due a security problem.
If you want to back them, you just write to us by email.

The ransom note goes on to say several other things, but it doesn’t say anything about the amount you have to pay for the decryption key or anything like that. Here, computer security experts would say that paying the ransom is never an option, and we totally agree. Not only there is no guarantee that Junior Ransomware would issue the decryption key. You shouldn’t encourage cybercriminals.

Please remove Junior Ransomware right now with an automated antispyware tool. You can also delete this infection manually, but it would be too bothersome.

If you have an external hard drive where you keep copies of your files, simply delete the encrypted data and transfer healthy files back into your computer. If not, you should be ready to explore multiple file recovery options. A public decryption tool might also be available in the future. If you cannot be bothered and you can afford to wipe your system clean, you can also start anew.

How to Remove Junior Ransomware

  1. Remove new files from Desktop.
  2. Open the Downloads folder.
  3. Delete the most recent files from the directory.
  4. Press Win+R and enter %TEMP%. Press OK.
  5. Delete unfamiliar files from the directory.
  6. Scan your computer with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Junior Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Junior Ransomware Screenshots:

Junior Ransomware
Junior Ransomware


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