JackSparrow Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Based on the title, JackSparrow Ransomware was most likely created by hackers who are fans of the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. They programmed this malicious application to encrypt various data and then display a ransom note that demands to pay for a special decryption tool. Cybercriminals may even prove that they have the needed decryptor by unlocking some data free of charge. However, you should understand that there are still no guarantees that you will get it. Therefore, if you do not want to pay for tools that you might never get, we advise you to pay no attention to the malware’s ransom note. Also, we believe it is best to remove JackSparrow Ransomware as fast as possible because it might have the ability to auto-start, and, as a result, it is possible that it could encrypt more files in the future. To learn more about it, you should read the rest of the article.

The launchers of this malicious application could look like harmless text documents, pictures, installers, and so on. Thus, you could infect your system with JackSparrow Ransomware without realizing it. If you want to avoid it happening, we advise staying away from data available on unreliable file-sharing web pages, pop-ups, and emails from unknown sources. If for some reason, you want to open a file that originates from doubtful sources, we recommend scanning it with a reliable antimalware tool first. A scan should tell whether the file is dangerous or not. If the antimalware tool says it is harmful, it is probably in disguise. In such a case, you should allow your chosen tool to help you erase the malicious file from your computer instead of opening it.

JackSparrow Ransomware needs to create particular files upon its launch. Our specialists say that most of them should be dropped on a folder called %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%. Also, it looks like the malware’s files might have names from random characters; for example, 1316990091101699009. If you want to know what other data could be created when a computer gets infected with the discussed malicious application, you should see our deletion steps located at the end of this article.

Next, we ought to talk about what happens when JackSparrow Ransomware finishes placing its data on an infected computer. Research shows that it should start encrypting files that might have value to its owners. For instance, the malware could lock your photographs, archives, or text files. You should be able to tell which files are encrypted from the fact that they cannot be opened and from the .encrypted extension that should be included in their title as soon as they become encrypted. Soon after JackSparrow Ransomware locks all targeted files, it should display a window named JackSparrow on top of your screen. This window might show the list of encrypted data as well as instructions on how to decrypt it. To be more precise, they ought to say that all files can be decrypted with a unique decryption tool. Of course, hackers claim to have the decryptor and demand paying a ransom in exchange for it.

You probably understand that cybercriminals can seem to be willing to help, but you cannot be sure that they mean what they say. What we are trying to say is that JackSparrow Ransomware’s developers may promise to send the decryptor, but in the end, they might not do so. The worst part is that they may ask an enormous sum to pay, and if they do not keep up with their promise, it would be lost for nothing. Because of this risk, we advise not to put up with any demands if you fear you could be scammed. Also, we recommend not to keep the malware on the system as it could put your future files at risk. To be on the safe side, you could eliminate JackSparrow Ransomware with a reliable antimalware tool or manually. If you pick the second option and need any guidance, we can offer our deletion instructions placed below this paragraph.

Get rid of JackSparrow Ransomware

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Pick Task Manager.
  3. Select the Processes tab.
  4. Look for a process associated with the malware.
  5. Select the process and click End Task.
  6. Leave Task Manager.
  7. Tap Win+E.
  8. Go to these locations:
  9. Find a malicious file that could be the malware’s launcher.
  10. Right-click the identified malicious file and select Delete.
  11. Find these paths:
  12. Search for randomly named files created by the threat, for example, ransomware.exe, 10169900911016990091, and log.txt.
  13. Right-click the identified malicious files and press Delete.
  14. Check this path: %windir%\System32\Tasks
  15. Find a randomly named file created by the malware.
  16. Right-click the threat’s task and select Delete.
  17. Close File Explorer.
  18. Empty Recycle Bin.
  19. Restart the computer.
Download Remover for JackSparrow Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

JackSparrow Ransomware Screenshots:

JackSparrow Ransomware


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