Holy Bible Daily Removal Guide

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Access to Bible Study, Reading Plans, Devotionals, and even Live Church should be provided by Holy Bible Daily, but there is more than meets the eye when it comes to this suspicious extension. When we analyzed it, it was only compatible with Google Chrome. We are sure that that was not always the case, and perhaps we will see it working on different browsers in the near future. The thing is that the installer introduced at holybibledaily.com does not work at the moment, and the only legitimate source that appears to represent the extension is the Chrome Web Store. Do you remember downloading the extension from chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/holy-bible-daily/kfahdnenadjegcdaloefbamobgoboogn? If you do not, and you have no idea where it might have come from, perhaps you installed it by accident? In any case, there are reasons to delete Holy Bible Daily because although it seems proper and holy, it is anything but that. If you want to learn about the extension and its removal, you should continue reading.

Ito Media is represented as the creator of Holy Bible Daily via the Privacy Policy. Although the official site does not offer an installer, it is still accessible, you can go to holybibledaily.com/PrivacyPolicy.html, and you can go to it to review the privacy policies. Most likely, you have not used that opportunity because, at the end of the day, who wants to read through tiny print about, allegedly, boring things like data protection or affiliation with third parties, right? Well, failure to familiarize oneself with privacy policies often leads to the installation of programs and extensions that are very untrustworthy. Holy Bible Daily itself appears to be quite suspicious. For one, it collects personal information. Why would this add-on need such information? Second, it shares that information with parties that are kept anonymous. That is very suspicious. Finally, it can show advertisements. Sure, most tools that offer free services rely on advertising as a source of income, but you need to think if you want to be flooded with suspicious ads.

Even if you do not care about how Holy Bible Daily handles your private data, you must care about how it actually works. Once you install it, holybibledaily.com/homepage/homepage.html? is introduced via the New Tab. It presents links to both Bible-related and unrelated third-party websites. Even if you like having them in one place, can’t you just bookmark these sites for easy access? You sure can, and the extension is simply unnecessary for that. Furthermore, keep in mind that the search tool represented via the New Tab page is not trustworthy. It presents search results for your queries via Yahoo Search, but trusting these results could be risky. As you now know, the PUP (potentially unwanted program) can show ads, and it is likely to use the search tool for that. Of course, because search.yahoo.com is employed, people might interact with the results without paying much attention, and that is how they could be tricked into clicking on ads. Could that be risky? Well, the affiliated parties are anonymous, and so we can only guess.

Without a doubt, you want to keep your operating system and browsers as secure as possible, but that might be hard to do if you install whatever sounds good in the moment. You have to do your research and weigh all pros and cons before you decide to install something. If you research Holy Bible Daily, we are sure that you might find this extension both useless and untrustworthy. Yes, it can make it easier to find Bible-related content, but because it only provides links to third-party sites, it does not offer anything exclusive. Also, it must be taken into account that it works with unknown advertisers, that it collects and shares sensitive data, and that it can expose you to suspicious search results. Due to all this, we advise that you remove Holy Bible Daily instantly. The guide below shows how to delete the PUP manually, but we advise that you take this opportunity to install comprehensive anti-malware software. Use it to secure your system and automatically delete all active threats.

How to delete Holy Bible Daily from Chrome

  1. Launch the browser.
  2. Enter chrome://extensions into the address bar.
  3. Remove the unwanted extension.
  4. Enter chrome://settings/clearBrowserData into the address bar.
  5. Move to the Advanced menu.
  6. Choose a time range and boxes and then hit Clear data.
Download Remover for Holy Bible Daily *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Holy Bible Daily Screenshots:

Holy Bible Daily
Holy Bible Daily


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