Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam Removal Guide

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Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam is a message from hackers claiming they have obtained the targeted victim’s contacts and threatens to reveal his secrets to them if the user does not pay a ransom. If you have received such an email, you should not listen to anything the cybercriminals tell you because all of it apart from having your email’s password is a lie. Our specialists say, after connecting to the victim’s email, they send a message from it to the user in the hope he will fall for the lies told on it and will transfer the requested amount of money. Unfortunately, it looks like some users have paid to the cybercriminals. For more information about the Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam, you could continue reading the article. Also, we strongly recommend taking a look at the steps located below as they will tell what to do if you have received the message in question.

The hackers behind the Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam could get your email’s password during a data breach, from other cybercriminals, or with the help of malware. Unfortunately, data breaches occur rather often these days, and so it is vital to follow cybersecurity news, so you would know if one of the sites you are registered on gets breached. Also, most cybersecurity specialists agree it is a huge mistake to use the same password or a few slightly different variants of it everywhere. This way, attackers only have to obtain a single password of one of your accounts, and they can try to hack the rest of them with the same combination or different variants of it. Obtaining password via malware is possible with the help of keyloggers. These malicious applications can enter the system with Trojans and other threats and most importantly they can record all your keystrokes, which means it can collect what you insert in the password box. To avoid such malicious applications, you should stay away from harmful websites and employ a reliable antimalware tool.

Once the hackers who came up with the Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam obtain the user’s email address, they can log in and send an email message to it. In other words, it should look as if the user sent the message to himself. In it, the cybercriminals may claim they were tracking the victim and know he was visiting adult websites or content that he would not like his friends or family to know about. Besides, the hackers may claim they have access to the victim’s contacts too and should threaten to send the shocking content to all contacts if the user does not pay around 900 US dollars. The hackers expect to receive payment with Bitcoins as they leave their Bitcoin wallet address. Our researchers say, at the time they were researching the Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam, there were at least 28 thousand dollars in the cybercriminals’ account, which suggests some users could have paid. Of course, we advise against it as it is unlikely the attackers have any content they may claim to have gathered. They are just trying to convince their victims they do, so they would get scared and would pay the asked price to protect their privacy.

What we recommend is ignoring the Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam’s email message or deleting it at once. Next, you should replace the emails password and passcodes of all other accounts if they are similar or the same. Additionally, we would recommend checking the system with a reliable security tool of your choice just in case.

Get rid of Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam

  1. Change your email’s password.
  2. Delete the hacker’s message.
  3. Replace passwords of your other accounts if they share the same passcode or a similar one.
  4. As an extra precaution scan the computer with an antimalware tool.
Download Remover for Hacker who cracked your email and device Scam *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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