Ransomware Removal Guide

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What should you do when Ransomware attacks? If you get the chance, remove this malicious threat before it takes over your files, scrambles the data within, and makes it impossible for you to read them. Unfortunately, when this threat slithers in first, it is quite inconspicuous, and so you are unlikely to notice it. What does that mean? That means that you are likely to be surprised once you find the “.id-[unique number].[].gdb” extension appended to your personal files and once a window named “” shows up on the screen. When that happens, there is no turning back. Your files are encrypted, and there’s that. So, what should you do to recover them? Well, here is the sad news – you cannot. Decrypting files manually is not possible, legitimate decryptors do not work on this threat, and the attackers are unlikely to give the decryptor for you. Of course, even if you delete Ransomware, your files will remain inaccessible.

Just like Ransomware, Ransomware, and hundreds of other infections from the Crysis family (also known as Dharma family), Ransomware might use security loopholes to slither in. That might include misleading emails with malware installers introduced as harmless attachments, or bundled downloaders promoted via unreliable file-sharing sites. It is possible that these threats are managed by different attackers, but they definitely work the same. Even the files that Ransomware drops are not unique. While the ransom note represented via the window is launched from the .exe file, the threat also uses files named “FILES ENCRYPTED.txt” and “Info.hta” to inform users about what is expected from them. The TXT file, for example, only states that files were locked and that the victim must email to get them “returned.” This email address is the title of the launched window, and it is also included in the extension appended to the corrupted files. Clearly, the attackers want you to send them a message.

Do you know what would happen if you sent a message to We certainly do not know that. Unpredictable human beings are behind this email address, and they could do anything. Of course, it is most likely that they would send you instructions on how to pay the ransom. Although the initial ransom note informs that a ransom would have to be paid in return for a decryption tool, no concrete details are revealed. On the other hand, it is always possible that they could make other demands, send you malware installers, or reserve the address for phishing and other kinds of scams in the future. Basically, nothing good would come out of it, and so we do not recommend contacting the attackers at all. And what about the ransom? You might think that you would get a decryptor if you paid it, but we seriously doubt it. The attackers would definitely enjoy your money, but it is unlikely that you would get anything in return for it. This is why instead of analyzing the Ransomware ransom note, you should figure out how to delete this malicious threat.

Do you have lots of experience with malware and, specifically, its removal? If you do not, you might think that manual removal of Ransomware is out of the question. It might be, but if you can locate, identify, and remove the infection’s launcher file, there is no reason why you should not be able to follow the steps below. If you choose this path, and you end up facing problems, do not hesitate to contact us via the comments section. Of course, there are alternative options when it comes to deleting Ransomware. You could install a reliable anti-malware program. Have you ever thought about doing that? You must have, and, most likely, it was installed at some point. Having the system protected reliably is very important, and if you implement anti-malware security software now, you will not need to worry about active threats. They will be erased automatically.

N.B. Do not forget to backup personal files from now on because if backups do not exist, you will not be able to replace files corrupted by ransomware and other malicious infections.

How to delete Ransomware

  1. Tap Win+E to launch Explorer and use the quick access field to access the listed directories.
  2. If you find an unfamiliar [random].exe file and a file named Info.hta, quickly Deletethem:
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    • %APPDATA%
    • %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    • %WINDIR%\System32\
  3. Also, Delete the file named FILES ENCRYPTED.txt from the Desktop and the local drive (c:\).
  4. Tap Win+E to launch Run and then enter regdit.exe into the box to access Registry Editor.
  5. In the pane on the left, navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
  6. Delete all [random] named values linked to [random].exe and Info.hta files.
  7. Empty Recycle Bin and then quickly install and run a legitimate malware scanner.
Download Remover for Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter. Ransomware Screenshots: Ransomware


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