GandCrab 5 Ransomware Removal Guide

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Your personal files – including school and work documents or important photos that are holding your memories – could be seriously affected if GandCrab 5 Ransomware invaded your operating system. The creator of this malicious threat can use misleading spam emails to trick you into opening corrupted files to execute the infection. They could also use malvertising attacks, bundled downloaders, and other cracks in your security to execute the infection without your notice. If the infection slithers in silently, it can encrypt files in no time, and when it does that, you might get stuck in a very difficult position. Do you just let your files go and admit defeat? Do you follow the demands of cyber criminals who promise to get your files back? Do you look for another solution? If you have no idea which way you should turn, you should continue reading this report. We explain how to delete GandCrab 5 Ransomware, how to protect your personal files, and how to secure your operating system to guarantee that malicious file-encryptors cannot attack and corrupt your personal files again.

As you know, the execution of GandCrab 5 Ransomware is silent. It is meant to be that way so that victims would not notice and remove the malicious launcher before the encryption of files. How do you know if your files were corrupted? First of all, you should notice a combination of random letters attached to your personal files. According to our research, the added extension should consist of 5 random letters. You should have no doubts about the state of these files if you cannot open them. Unfortunately, there is no program that would allow you to open them. Also, a free decryptor does not exist either. Some victims might also learn about the attack of GandCrab 5 Ransomware once they open the [random]-DECRYPT.txt file. The copies of the file should be scattered all over the place. The “[random]” part in the name of the file represents the same 5 letters that are attached to the corrupted files. Should you just delete this file, or is it okay to open it? It is safe to open this file; however, in the end, you will want to remove all copies.

GandCrab 5 Ransomware is followed by GandCrab4 Ransomware, Gandcrab 3 Ransomware, Gandcrab2 Ransomware, and GandCrab Ransomware. They all belong to the same family, and, in general, they all work the same. They definitely all have the same goal, which is to convince the victim that they can recover files using an expensive decryptor. In the case of GandCrab 5 Ransomware, the tool is priced at $800 (later on, $1600). If you pay the ransom in DASH (at the moment, that is around 5.2 DASH), you are unlikely to get anything that would help you decrypt your personal files. Unfortunately, the message in the TXT file can be pretty convincing, and so more gullible victims could be tricked into taking the jump. None of this would even bother you if your files were protected. Unfortunately, in some cases, it is not enough to employ the best anti-malware software. According to our malware analysts, everyone MUST back up their files. If you do not have a spare external drive to back up your data, you can use cloud storage. In many cases, the services are free, and so you have no excuse here. If backups exist, remove GandCrab 5 Ransomware and the corrupted files, and then, if you need to, transfer the backups onto the computer.

Can you remove GandCrab 5 Ransomware manually? We cannot guarantee this. The launcher has a unique name, and its location depends on the distribution method used, and, most likely, your own adjustments. Your best bet is to check %USERPROFILE%\Desktop, %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, and %TEMP% directories. If you cannot find, identify, and delete GandCrab 5 Ransomware launcher, you need to install a program that will do it automatically. We strongly recommend installing reliable and up-to-date anti-malware software so that you could ensure that all threats are eliminated, and your Windows operating system is protected. If you need further help, or you want to discuss the infection and its removal, please use the comments section that is available below.

How to delete GandCrab 5 Ransomware

  1. Delete the launcherof the ransomware. Could be located here:
    • %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
    • %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
    • %TEMP%
  2. Delete the ransom note file, [random]-DECRYPT.txt.
  3. Delete the wallpaper file, [random].bmp.
  4. Empty Recycle Bin.
  5. Install a legitimate malware scanner to help you examine your system for potential leftovers.
Download Remover for GandCrab 5 Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

GandCrab 5 Ransomware Screenshots:

GandCrab 5 Ransomware
GandCrab 5 Ransomware
GandCrab 5 Ransomware

GandCrab 5 Ransomware technical info for manual removal:

Files Modified/Created on the system:

# File Name File Size (Bytes) File Hash
1d77378dcc42b912e514d3bd4466cdda050dda9b57799a6c97f70e8489dd8c8d0.exe187392 bytesMD5: 07fadb006486953439ce0092651fd7a6

Memory Processes Created:

# Process Name Process Filename Main module size
1d77378dcc42b912e514d3bd4466cdda050dda9b57799a6c97f70e8489dd8c8d0.exed77378dcc42b912e514d3bd4466cdda050dda9b57799a6c97f70e8489dd8c8d0.exe187392 bytes

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