Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus Removal Guide

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Category: Malware

Ransomware infections can lock-down your computer and trick you into giving up your money in order to get back to regular PC’s running. Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus is one of the many infections that you could find running on your computer if you live in Switzerland. The ransomware is bound to this geographical location; however, this is what allows schemers to be extremely successful, because their virus is targeted at a particular group of people. Overall, it will not be difficult to identify this infection running, as it is presented with a screen-blocking alert. You should put all of your energy on infection’s removal and this report will help you delete Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus successfully.

The screen-blocking notification is an extremely irritating virus’ attribute because you will not be able to remove it until the infection itself gets deleted. The fake information presented in this bogus piece is supposed to trick you into thinking that it was sent to you by the Swiss Confederation (Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft). Nonetheless, this is a scam and you should ignore accusations of viewing and distributing pornographic content, spam messages, etc. Here is an excerpt of the fake alert:

Ihre IP Adresse lautet mit dieser IP wurden Seiten mit pornographischen Inhalten, Kinderpornographie, Sodomie und Gewalt gegen Kinder aufgerufen.

Votre ordinateur est bloqué virus and Der zugang zu ihrem computer wurde gesperrt virus are not clones of Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus; however, they are targeted at the Swiss Windows users as well. All of these viruses display the same attributes which guarantees that you should not get intimidated by ridiculous fine demands or threats to have personal disk data removed.

It has been discovered that ransomware viruses travel through the security gaps monitored and managed via active Trojans, which means there is a great chance that you need to remove Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus and then detect and delete other infections running on the PC. Follow the removal instructions which will guide you to legitimate software installation and virus removal.

Windows Vista/7:

  1. Restart the PC.
  2. Wait for the BIOS to load and start tapping F8 key on the keyboard.
  3. In Advanced Boot Options menu select Safe Mode with Networking. Use arrow keys to navigate and Enter key to select.
  4. Go to http://www.411-spyware.com/download-sph to download the automatic virus removal tool SpyHunter.
  5. Install the reliable removal program at once and all running infections will be deleted.

Windows XP:

  1. Restart the personal computer.
  2. Once BIOS loads up, start tapping F8 to access Windows Advanced Options Menu.
  3. Using arrow keys select Safe Mode with Networking.
  4. If “Windows is running in safe mode” alert pops up on the screen – click Yes.
  5. Download SpyHunter.
  6. Click on the Start menu (left side of the Task Bar).
  7. Launch RUN, type “msconfig” and click OK or hit Enter.
  8. Click on the Startup tab in the System Configuration utility.
  9. Click Disable All and Apply.
  10. Restart the computer, install SpyHunter and allow it to remove existing malware.
Download Remover for Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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