Dragon Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Dragon Ransomware is a malicious computer infection that is a new version of Aurora Ransomware. When ransomware infections get updated, they often get tweaked, but their core functionality remains the same. The good news about Dragon Ransomware is that you can decrypt your files for free! There is a public decryption tool available, and when you remove Dragon Ransomware for good, you can simply restore your files without too much difficulty. However, this infection is a very good sign that something has to be done about your system’s security. So you should look into that as well.

Perhaps the most important thing in this situation is to make sure that users learn more about Dragon Ransomware before they jump in and do what the ransom note tells them. Of course, if you are reading this description, you have probably searched for more information about this infection. So now you KNOW that you can get your files back, and you shouldn’t contact these criminals. That’s exactly what the ransom note says. It tells you to contact the criminals through the given email address so that you would get more information about the ransom payment. However, we already established that there is no need to pay attention to this ransom note. Even if this program weren’t decryptable, paying the ransom wouldn’t be an option.

Dragon Ransomware will utilize the same distribution tactics as other ransomware programs. So while we can decrypt the files affected by this program, we won’t be so lucky next time. For that, we would find out how ransomware enters your systems so that we could prevent them from doing that.

Normally, ransomware programs make use of spam email and phishing campaigns to enter target systems. Users could easily deflect these infections if they deleted spam email messages immediately. However, spam email that carries ransomware often looks like reliable, and the infection files might resemble documents you need to open immediately. We always say that you can scan these files before opening them. Simply invest in a licensed antispyware tool to make sure that the files you are about to open are safe. However, users seldom use these tactics because they don’t think that “it can happen to me.” But the truth is it CAN happen to you and it WILL if you do nothing about it.

So, what should we do to protect our files and data from similar intruders? The most efficient way to save yourself the trouble of hunting for file recovery options is backing up your files on an external hard drive. If you do not want to rely on an external device that you would have to carry around all the time, you can also save copies of your files on a cloud drive. Your operating system should offer you to create cloud storage (especially, if you use the latest version of your operating system). Since it is very often that ransomware programs cannot be decrypted, copying your files and saving them someplace else would definitely work as a good insurance tactic.

Now, Dragon Ransomware doesn’t delete itself after encryption, so you will have to remove this program manually. Luckily, it doesn’t drop additional files, so you just have to terminate the files that launched the program.

If you do not know which files are responsible for installing Dragon Ransomware on your PC, scan your system with a reliable antispyware tool and then allow it to remove the infection for you automatically. You might find that you have more dangerous threats on-board, so the security tool would take care of everything for you automatically.

How to Delete Dragon Ransomware

  1. Remove latest files from Desktop.
  2. Navigate to the Downloads folder.
  3. Remove the most recently downloaded files.
  4. Press Win+R and enter %TEMP%. Press OK.
  5. Delete the most recent files.
  6. Run a full system scan with SpyHunter.
Download Remover for Dragon Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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