Dealicious Removal Guide

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Category: Adware

Dealicious is a clone of PriceZilla, Priceturtle, Pricerocket, and similar advertisement-supported programs that cannot be trusted. This program is presented to users at, but you should not refer to that site to learn if the program is authentic and trustworthy, because, of course, its developers want you to think that it is. Our malware researchers have analyzed this adware to provide you with the most accurate information. We can straightaway tell you that you need to delete Dealicious, because this adware is associated with unfamiliar and, therefore, unpredictable parties. This report has been created to help you remove this ad-supported program from your PC.

The suspicious Dealicious can be installed onto such popular browsers as Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and even Internet Explorer. These browsers were selected on purpose, because they are the most popular, which means that Dealicious can reach out to more users. This is the main goal for the developers of this ad-supported program, which is exactly why so many identical programs (clones of Dealicious) have been released. Of course, all of them deserve removal, because their developers are not concerned about your interests; they are only interested in the profits they could make by presenting a ton of suspicious banner and pop-up advertisements.

It is likely that Dealicious can collect information about your shopping and internet browsing habits. This can be done using tracking cookies, which you can delete if you want to. Of course, if you remove Dealicious cookies, this program will not be able to determine what kind of ads you might be interested in, which means that it will become even more useless. The advertisements that look attractive could be unreliable as well, which is why our researchers do not recommend trusting any of the Dealicious ads.

Most users do not see Dealicious as a serious threat, which is why they do not rush to remove it. Of course, it is up to you, but we recommend removing Dealicious from your PC right away. This program does not work beneficially. It tracks your virtual activity, and it can help unfamiliar parties to expose you to unpredictable content. We are sure you can find more reliable tools to help cut down shopping costs, and right now it is best to delete Dealicious. Unfortunately, the manual removal instructions are not helpful in all cases, which is why we strongly suggest using automatic malware removal software.

How to delete Dealicious

Delete from Windows XP:

  1. Click the Start menu icon on the left of the Taskbar.
  2. Open the Control Panel menu.
  3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  4. Select Change or Remove Programs (usually opens up automatically).
  5. Remove the undesirable application.

Delete from Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1

  1. Simultaneously tap Win+R on your keyboard to launch RUN.
  2. Type Control Panel and click OK.
  3. Navigate to Uninstall a program.
  4. Right-click the application you wish to remove.
  5. Click the Uninstall button.
Download Remover for Dealicious *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Dealicious Screenshots:



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