Cryptolite Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

The devious Cryptolite Ransomware is one of those malicious threats that you want to keep away from your operating system at any cost. It is a file-encrypting, ransom-demanding infection that can successfully corrupt your most personal files. It is almost never possible to recover the files corrupted by ransomware, but it appears that this is not the case. So, if this is the ransomware that slithered into your operating system, you can be considered pretty lucky. You also can take this as a warning because, clearly, malicious ransomware can attack your operating system, and that means that you need to take better security measures to ensure full protection. In this report, you will find information about the malicious infection, as well as how to remove it. Keep in mind that even if you can recover your personal files using the decryption key below, the threat will remain active. The good news is that it should not be hard for you to delete Cryptolite Ransomware.

Decryption key:

How did Cryptolite Ransomware slither into your operating system? Unfortunately, we cannot tell you that; however, there is a great possibility that the infection got in via an attachment sent to your email inbox. Do you remember opening files, clicking links, or downloading software just before the entrance of this malware? Regardless of how it got in, this ransomware should work the same. First, it should encrypt your personal files, and the “.encrypted” extension is added to the names during the process. This can help you recognize the corrupted files faster. There is nothing you can do about the files that are encrypted, unless a decryption key exists; and it does. If it weren’t Cryptolite Ransomware that corrupted your personal files, you could not recover them that easily. This is why we encourage backing up all important files. Besides implementing reliable anti-malware software, this might be the most important step in protecting files. So, if you have not set up an external backup yet, we suggest doing that as soon as you remove the infection.

Cryptolite Ransomware opens a window to introduce victims to the ransom demands. According to our research team, it is possible that the infection could lock the screen as well. In this case, if the decryption key does not work, you might have to reboot the system to Safe Mode to eliminate the infection. The last thing you should do is pay attention to the instructions because, according to them, you need to pay a ransom of 0.5 BTC to obtain a decryption key. At the time of research, 0.5 Bitcoin was almost $4,000. This is a lot of money for anyone, and so paying it for a decryptor that could or could not be presented to you is a huge risk. Hopefully, that is not something you even need to think about. All in all, if you are able to restore your files or they are lost for good, you need to focus on something important, and that is the removal of Cryptolite Ransomware. If you are inexperienced, the removal process can be quite confusing and intimidating.

You need to find the executable of Cryptolite Ransomware. If you cannot do it, you will not be able to delete this malicious infection manually. If your operating system is locked by the ransom note, you might have no other option but to enter the decryption key right away. If the system is not locked, and you can still launch Task Manager (use Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Ctrl+Shift+Esc combinations), you might be able to find the launcher file using the running process. If the process exists, right-click it and select Open File Location. Although you might have to kill the process before you remove Cryptolite Ransomware, you have to make sure that you apply the decryption key first because you want to decrypt your files, don’t you? Manual elimination can be complicated for various other reasons too, which is why it is best to employ an anti-malware program. It is our favorite tool too because it can ensure full-time protection against malicious ransomware and other threats!

How to delete Cryptolite Ransomware

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete or Ctrl+Shift+Esc to access the Task Manager.
  2. Click the Process tab, find the malicious ransomware process, and right-click it.
  3. Select Open file location to find the malicious launcher.
  4. Enter the decryption key into the window presented by the ransomware.
  5. Then end the malicious process and Delete the malicious executable.
  6. Remove all other recently downloaded suspicious files.
  7. Empty Recycle Bin to complete the elimination.
  8. Install a trusted malware scanner to check for leftovers.
Download Remover for Cryptolite Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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