Crossout Removal Guide

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Crossout.lnk is an unnecessary item some users may find dropped on their Desktops. As the extension of this file shows, it is nothing more than an ordinary shortcut. In other words, it is definitely not a harmful malicious application. It does not mean that you can keep it. We see no reason why it should stay when its only job is to promote a free MMO action game called Crossout. Never keep items that show up on your system without your permission because there is still something suspicious about them. To our surprise, Crossout.lnk is not malicious itself and contains legit URLs, but the fact that it can appear on users’ Desktops without their knowledge automatically makes it a suspicious component that should be eliminated. Of course, we leave the final decision to you, but we can assure you that you do not need Crossout.lnk. It will not start acting somehow beneficially one day. You will delete this shortcut by simply right-clicking on it and selecting Delete, but you should also scan your system for malware with a powerful scanner because there is a possibility that Crossout.lnk has been dropped on your computer together with another untrustworthy application. If it turns out that this is exactly what has happened, you will need to eliminate that program.

It seems that there are two different versions of the Crossout.lnk shortcut, as research has shown: Play Crossout.lnk and MMO action game.lnk. You might find any of them on your Desktop. They both promote the Crossout game, but it has been observed that they contain different links. Play Crossout.lnk contains the URL. It opens As for Crossout - MMO action game.lnk, it contains This link redirects further to Since the shortcut only promotes the Crossout game, it is very likely that this is its only purpose. The Crossout.lnk shortcut itself and links it contains are not malicious, but you should still remove it from your Desktop because it will never start acting in a useful way. In fact, you should never keep items you know nothing about on your computer because there is a possibility that they are malicious.

Researchers at have carried out research to find out how Crossout.lnk ends up on users’ computers, and it has turned out that users often contribute to its appearance themselves. Crossout.lnk is a typical adware helper, so it should not be surprising that it is distributed in software bundles like adware programs. Specialists say that there is a huge possibility that this shortcut is spread together with other programs, for example, free useful software, which explains why users do not notice when Crossout.lnk is dropped. The situation might repeat itself again at any time if you do not change your habits and do not install security software. Yes, you should install a powerful security tool on your computer first things first, but you should also not forget to be more careful. We highly recommend that you download applications only from those websites you are sure can be trusted 100%. In addition, never carelessly install new software if you do not want to agree with the installation of untrustworthy programs.

We would lie if we told you that Crossout.lnk is malicious. As mentioned, it opens a legitimate link too. Despite the fact that it does not do anything wrong, you should remove it from your Desktop. There is no point in keeping suspicious items dropped on the system without permission, especially when they do not do anything good and only occupy space. You will get rid of Crossout.lnk very easily. You just need to locate it on your Desktop, select it, and tap Delete on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can right-click on this file and then select Delete from the drop-down menu. Below you will find our manual removal instructions, so if you consider yourself a less experienced user, you should let this removal guide help you.

Remove Crossout.lnk

  1. Check your Desktop and locate Crossout.lnk.
  2. Select it and tap Delete on your keyboard.
  3. Empty Trash.
  4. Scan your system with a diagnostic scanner to find out whether your system is clean.
Download Remover for Crossout *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

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