Ccryptor Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Do you value documents and photos stored on your computer? If you do, the entrance of Ccryptor Ransomware will be very nerve-wracking. This infection slithers in silently, but it does not stay silent. Instead, it exposes itself as soon as all personal files are encrypted, and the “.ccryptor” extension is added to their names. Do not bother changing the name, removing the extension, or even opening the file. If it was encrypted, it is no longer readable, and it will not be readable unless you apply a decryptor. Do you know where to get it? At the time of research, third-party decryptors that could help did not exist, and it was probably not possible to decrypt files manually. Unfortunately, that means that the victims of this malware might be stuck. The bad news is that, at this time, we cannot offer you a solution that would help you restore your files. However, we can help you delete Ccryptor Ransomware.

Did Ccryptor Ransomware slither into your operating system when you opened a corrupted spam email attachment? If you can pinpoint the moment that this malware got in, you should be able to find and erase the launcher of the infection manually, and if you can do that, you should handle the remaining tasks yourself as well. In fact, besides the launcher, there are only two files that Ccryptor Ransomware creates. The first one is called “AdobeUpdate.exe,” and it is placed into a folder named “Adobe” that should be located in the %APPDATA% directory. As you can see, the infection can use the name of legitimate software to confuse victims. Without a doubt, this could discourage some of them from deleting the infection themselves. In fact, if you are not experienced, and if identifying malware files is not your strong suit, it could be very dangerous to just randomly delete what you think could be malware. That being said, in this case, it is clear that you need to remove %APPDATA%\Adobe\AdobeUpdate.exe.

The second file that Ccryptor Ransomware creates is called “read me.txt,” and it is possible that multiple copies could exist all across the system. Unlike with the “AdobeUpdate.exe” file, the attackers want you to find the text file and read the message inside. When our research team analyzed this malware, the .txt file was not dropped by the infection. This could be a bug that the attackers will fix in the future. Nonetheless, from what we could gather, Ccryptor Ransomware uses the file to inform victims that their files were encrypted and that they need to email to obtain instructions on how to pay a ransom and receive a decryption tool. To encourage you to take action, the ransom note, allegedly, also threatens that all files would be deleted after four days. Do you trust that cybercriminals would provide you with a decryptor if you contacted them and then paid the ransom? We do not trust cybercriminals, and so we do not recommend paying attention to their requests or promises.

As we mentioned already, if you can find and remove Ccryptor Ransomware launcher, the rest of the elements should be easy to eliminate. To make the process easier, we have created a manual removal guide that, we hope, will help you. What we cannot help you with is the recovery of your personal files. If they were encrypted, there is a good chance that you have lost them because, at the time of research, legitimate decryptors that could crack the Ccryptor Ransomware encryption key did not exist. Nothing is lost if you have backups because, in this case, you can easily replace the files that were corrupted with the copies of your files that were, most likely, stored online or on removable hard drives. Whichever the case might be, we hope that backups exist. Do not forget to backup files in the future, and also do not forget to secure your system to keep it malware-free. Do you want to solve two problems using one solution? If you do, install a legitimate anti-malware program that can remove threats and also secure your operating system.

How to delete Ccryptor Ransomware

  1. If you can identify the launcher of Ccryptor, right-click and Delete it.
  2. Right-click the file called read me.txt and choose Delete.
  3. Launch Explorer (tap Win+E keys) and enter %APPDATA% into the field at the top.
  4. Right-click and Delete the folder named Adobe (should contain AdоbeUpdаtе.exe file).
  5. Empty Recycle Bin and then install a trusted malware scanner to check for leftovers.
Download Remover for Ccryptor Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Ccryptor Ransomware Screenshots:

Ccryptor Ransomware


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