Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Hijackers

If suddenly your default homepage is changed to, do not panic. Browser hijackers infect multiple computers worldwide on a regular basis, but they cannot really expose you to malicious websites unless you allow them to. You have to remove from your computer as soon as possible. This browser hijacker could be used as malware distribution tool by cyber criminals, so you should not take any chances with that. For any further information on malware removal, you are always encouraged to leave us a comment below this description.

In fact, if is set as your default homepage, it means that you have more unwanted programs to remove. This browser hijacker does not have a direct distribution source, and it always comes bundled with freeware. The same could be said about Astromenda, Binkiland, Taplika, Vosteran, and many other hijackers from the same group. Therefore, it is possible to avoid installing on your system if you stay away from file sharing websites. Download programs from the official sources only, because third-party sites do not check whether the installers they host are 100% safe or not. If you download an installer with in the setup, you might be up for some big trouble.

Once manages to enter your system, the browser hijacker modifies your default browser settings without your permission. Your homepage and search engine are both set to What’s more, sometimes this infection installs the open-source Chromium browser with as its default search engine. Either way, the infection is highly intrusive, and it should not be tolerated.

Please refrain from performing any web searches via because all of your web browsing activity will be monitored. Consequently, the hijacker will modify your search results. The results will also contain commercial offers. Usually, it should not cause you much trouble, but you have to remember that might be exploited by malevolent third parties to promote their corrupted content. Hence, you should never click any search results links or any promotional offers delivered via

Protect your computer from harm by removing today. Open your Control Panel and remove all the unfamiliar programs manually. Then restore your browser settings by following the instructions below. If you do not know which programs might pose potential system security threats, scan your system with the SpyHunter free scanner. A full system scan will give you a better idea of your current system security status. Finally, don’t forget that acquiring a licensed antispyware tool is the best way to ensure your system’s safety.

How to Remove

Windows 8 & Windows 8.1

  1. Slide the mouse cursor to the lower right corner of your screen.
  2. When the Charm bar appears click Settings and go to Control Panel.
  3. Select Uninstall a program and remove unwanted applications.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
  2. Go to Uninstall a program and remove unwanted applications.

Windows XP

  1. Click the Start button and navigate to Control Panel.
  2. Open Add or remove programs and uninstall unwanted applications.

Restore Your Browser Settings

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T and go to Internet Options.
  2. Change your homepage under the General tab and click OK.
  3. Press Alt+T and select Manage Add-ons.
  4. Click Search Providers on the left and set a new default search engine.
  5. Delete from the list and click Close.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F and go to Settings.
  2. Under On startup, select Open a specific page or set of pages.
  3. Click Set pages and change your startup URL. Click OK.
  4. Under Search, select Manage search providers.
  5. Set a new default search provider, remove and click Done.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+A and the Add-ons manager tab will open.
  2. Remove unfamiliar plug-ins from Extensions.
  3. Press Alt+T and click Options.
  4. Change the home page under the General tab and click OK.
  5. Click the search engine icon next to the search box.
  6. Select Change search settings and set a new default search engine.
  7. Remove from the list and restart your browser.
Download Remover for *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter. Screenshots:


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