Caleb Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

Can you pinpoint the moment that Caleb Ransomware entered your Windows operating system? If you can, you should be able to know where the malicious launcher is, and there is a chance that you will be able to remove this malicious threat manually. Unfortunately, this dangerous malware could have used tricks and disguises to slither in – which is usually done using misleading emails, malicious downloaders, or using security loopholes – and so you might have been surprised when you learned that your personal files were encrypted. Did you figure that out when you found the encrypted files? Perhaps you found the ransom note first? In whichever way that happened, we hope that you did not fall into panic mode, because you need to keep your head cool when you face malware. Cybercriminals hope to induce panic and confusion because that is what makes victims most vulnerable. At the end of it all, you need to focus on deleting Caleb Ransomware.

Phobos Ransomware is the predecessor of Caleb Ransomware. This infection has many different variants, but the attackers behind all of them want one thing and one thing only – your money. If they find a security loophole, via which they can drop the infection, they use the malicious threat to take your files hostage. Caleb Ransomware encrypts files, which means that the data is changed using a unique encryption key. Think of it like a key that locks the door or a password that blocks access to an account. The decryption key is created along with the encryptor, but since it is in the hands of cybercriminals, we cannot know if you stand a chance at obtaining it. Most likely, you do not. Once files are encrypted, the attackers can introduce you to the decryptor and ask money in return for it. That is why we look at this as a hostage situation. Your files are not removed, but you cannot access them without paying the ransom; at least, according to the attackers.

Besides encrypting files and adding the “.id[{unique ID number}].[].Caleb” extension to their names, the threat creates “info.txt.” As the name of the file suggests, you can find information within it. Since it is a text file, there is no harm in opening it, but note that interacting with other files introduced to you by the attackers is dangerous. This is one of the big reasons why we do not recommend sending a message to, which is what you are instructed to do via the ransom note. The email is unique to the version of Caleb Ransomware, and it is possible that an entirely different address could be used by the attackers in your case. Once the communication with them is established, they could send you links and files, and interacting with them could be dangerous. Of course, most likely, you would be asked to pay a ransom first. Is it small? Is it incredibly big? In any case, we do NOT advise paying because you have zero guarantees when it comes to the promises of cybercriminals. Most likely, you would be wasting your hard-earned money by paying the ransom in return for the decryptor.

Your main focus right now might be the removal of Caleb Ransomware, and while removing this threat is important, there are other issues you need to think about. First of all, how can you secure your operating system against malware invasions in the future? Second, how can you protect your personal files against file-encrypting malware? To secure the system, install a legitimate and trustworthy anti-malware program. It will also automatically delete Caleb Ransomware. If you are not prepared to invest in your virtual security, you will need to eliminate the threat manually. We hope that the guides below will help you, but if you cannot identify the launcher (step 1), we will not be able to help you much. To secure the files, purchase an external drive or sign up for cloud storage, and start backing up your personal files. Hopefully, you already have backups, and you do not need to lose your files completely to cybercriminals and their file-encrypting malware.

How to delete Caleb Ransomware

  1. If you can find the [random name].exe file that launched the threat, right-click it and select Delete.
  2. Delete the ransom note file named info.txt.
  3. Simultaneously tap WIN and E keys to access Windows Explorer.
  4. Enter %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup into the bar the top.
  5. Delete the [random name].exe file dropped by the ransomware.
  6. Empty Recycle Bin and then perform a full system scan using a trusted malware scanner.
Download Remover for Caleb Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

Caleb Ransomware Screenshots:

Caleb Ransomware


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