BlueCheeser Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

BlueCheeser Ransomware is an infection that Windows users need to be very cautious about. It is likely to use disguises to slither into your operating system, and if it is able to do that successfully, it can encrypt your personal files. Although the infection does not encrypt anything besides Desktop files, this is where some of your most important files could be located. What can you do to recover them? The attackers behind the infection want you to think that you can get them back by paying a ransom of $400, but paying it was not possible at the time of research. In reality, even if it was possible to pay the ransom, it is highly unlikely that files could be restored. Hopefully, you still have time to secure your system and your personal files, but if you are already dealing with the removal of the infection, we suggest wasting no time. The guide below shows how to delete BlueCheeser Ransomware elements, but we recommend reading the report first to learn more about the infection.

It is possible that you learned that BlueCheeser Ransomware exists only after the “Instructions.txt” file was dropped on the Desktop and opened for you to read the message inside. According to this message, victims of the infection must pay $400 to 43IU64UGG645G37I670IITYYR5093U55KJ5HE – which is not a correct format – to recover the corrupted files. After facing this ransom note, you might have checked the Desktop to see which files were encrypted. The “.himr” extension is meant to be added to these files for easy recognition. You cannot restore the files by deleting the extension. There are no free tools that could decipher BlueCheeser Ransomware encryptor. Also, paying the ransom is not possible due to the incorrect format of the Bitcoin Wallet address. This has led us to believe that the current version of the infection is just a tester. Perhaps, the attackers behind it are currently building a more effective version of the threat, or maybe even an entirely different infection. As you might know already, cybercriminals love building file-encryptors, and some of the more recent ones include JackSparrow Ransomware, Dewar Ransomware, Alka Ransomware, and Reha Ransomware.

Even if paying the ransom requested by BlueCheeser Ransomware was an option, doing that would equal wasting money. Most file-encryptors are undecryptable, and that is why creating copies of all personal files is crucial. These copies must be stored in a secure location, outside the computer that stores the original files, and most people choose to use external drives or cloud storage systems. Do you have copies of your files? If you do, once you remove BlueCheeser Ransomware from your operating system, you will be able to delete the corrupted files and transfer the backups in their place. Of course, before you can safely transfer the backups, you want to make sure that your operating system is secure. It is important that you stop visiting unreliable websites, downloading files from suspicious or unfamiliar sources, opening spam emails and the files attached to them, or skipping important update installers. Even if you become cautious, cybercriminals could outsmart you, which is why you also need the protection that only legitimate anti-malware software can provide you with.

The guide you can see below can make it easier for you to remove BlueCheeser Ransomware manually; however, it does not guarantee success. It all depends on your ability to identify the executable that launched the infection. If we could point you to the exact location of this file, we would, but it could have landed anywhere (e.g., on the Desktop, in Downloads, in %TEMP%, etc.), and so it is up to you to find it. Of course, keep in mind that you do not have to delete BlueCheeser Ransomware yourself. Instead, you can employ an anti-malware program, and it will erase the infection automatically. As we mentioned already, you ought to install this software anyway to ensure full-time Windows protection, and so this is the best move you could make. If you decide to stick with manual removal, make sure you figure out how to protect your Windows operating system as well.

How to delete BlueCheeser Ransomware

  1. Delete the {random name}.exe file that is the launcher of the ransomware.
  2. On the Desktop, find and Delete the ransom note file named Instructions.txt.
  3. Empty Recycle Bin and then quickly install a trusted malware scanner.
  4. Perform a thorough system scan to check if there is anything else that you need to remove.
Download Remover for BlueCheeser Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.

BlueCheeser Ransomware Screenshots:

BlueCheeser Ransomware


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