Ransomware Removal Guide

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Category: Trojans

If you see a message saying to contact or, your computer was most likely infected with a malicious application known as Ransomware. It is a file-encrypting threat created for money extortion. As you see, it enciphers victim's data to take it as a hostage and then asks to put up with the hacker’s demands to get it back. Even though the malicious application’s ransom note does not say anything about having to pay, we have no doubt such demands would be delivered once the victim emails the hackers behind this malware. Further in the article, we will explain why putting up with any demands could be a bad idea. Also, we will present more details about the malicious application and the instructions located below the article will show how to eliminate Ransomware manually.

To avoid similar threats in the future, you have to understand how they might be distributed. Our specialists say that in this case, it is likely the hackers are spreading Ransomware through usual channels, which are Spam emails, malicious websites, and unsecured RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) connections. To put it simply, the malware could get in after a user launches an infected email attachment or a malicious installer. You have to understand that such data might not look dangerous to you, so it is best you scan downloaded files, especially if they originate from untrustworthy sources, with a legitimate security tool. Also, some ransomware applications can exploit computer’s vulnerabilities, which is why it is just as important to take care of all weaknesses your system could have.

Furthermore, you should know what happens when you accidentally execute Ransomware. At first, the malware needs to settle in and to do so, it ought to create a copy of its installer in %LOCALAPPDATA%. This copy might have a random name, so recognizing it without a security tool might not be so easy. After creating it, the malicious application should start the encryption process. During this process, it is supposed to lock various files belonging to the user, e.g., photos, documents, and so on. Another thing we noticed is all files that get encrypted should receive .crypted_bizarrio@pay4me_in extension (e.g., document.pdf.crypted_bizarrio@pay4me_in). When all of the targeted files are marked this way, Ransomware ought to create ransom notes in all directories with encrypted files.

The notes should be called how_to_back_files.html and all of them ought to contain the same message saying: “YOUR FILES ARE ENCRYPTED! Your documents, photos, databases and all the rest files encrypted cryptographically strong algoritm.” Also, the note should explain that users who want to decrypt their files should write to the Ransomware’s developers as they are the only ones who have a decryptor. We believe those who email them via given addresses would receive instructions how to pay a ransom. Of course, the hackers may tell they promise to send a decryptor as soon as the payment is made, but, in reality, there is not knowing what they could do.

If you do not trust the malicious application's creators and do not want to risk your savings, we advise deleting the malware. To get rid of it manually, you should use the deletion instructions located below. Also, you can remove Ransomware with a security tool of your choice, so if this option sounds easier, employ a reliable antimalware tool and perform a full system scan.

Get rid of Ransomware

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  2. Pick Task Manager.
  3. Check the Processes tab and identify a process belonging to the malicious application.
  4. Choose it and press the End Task button.
  5. Close Task Manager.
  6. Press Win+E.
  7. Go to the paths:
  8. Locate a file launched before the computer got infected, right-click it and choose Delete.
  9. Navigate to: %LOCALAPPDATA%
  10. Look for a malicious executable file with a random title, right-click it and select Delete.
  11. Find files named how_to_back_files.html, right-click them and choose Delete.
  12. Close File Explorer.
  13. Press Win+R.
  14. Type Regedit and click OK.
  15. Find this particular path: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
  16. Locate a value name titled BrowserUpdateCheck, right-click it and select Delete.
  17. Leave Registry Editor.
  18. Empty Recycle Bin.
  19. Reboot the computer.
Download Remover for Ransomware *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter.


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