Removal Guide

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Category: Browser Hijackers is not yet a popular search engine, but definitely one that might put your system security at risk with its appearance as your new home page in your browsers. We have found that this search engine can affect your major browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer as well. Since this malware infection can change your browser settings, we have classified it as a browser hijacker. This infection may show up in your browsers even without your knowledge. However, this does not necessarily mean that it was not you who installed it. This browser hijacker may travel the web in bundles packed with other malware threats. This means that if you find this hijacker in your browsers, you may be facing multiple system security "challenges" right now. If you do not want to be exposed to possible modified search results or indirectly to harmful third-party web contents, we suggest that you remove before it is too late. We do not claim that this is a dangerous threat, but if you want to use a safe computer, this browser hijacker and the other potential threat sources have nothing to do on board.

As we have mentioned, the most likely channel for this malware infection to spread over the net is via freeware bundles. This is the method most schemers use to spread packages of threats to infect unsuspecting users. These installers can be quite misleading sometimes or only reveal the full content -- if at all -- when you choose the custom installation option. This means that when most users rush to click Next, "I agree," and Install, they may easily overlook what else they are really installing apart from the main software they targeted in the first place. It is, in fact, quite simple to get infected with such bundles. Usually, it is enough to click on a corrupt third-party advertisement of some sort, which could be a banner ad, a pop-up ad, or a hyperlink.

You can be introduced to unreliable third-party contents if your system is infected with adware or a browser hijacker, or you get redirected to a suspicious website, including torrent, freeware, and gaming pages. You need to understand that when malware infections are hiding on your computer, you are never safe going online. It is important for you to realize that even the advertisements that you would consider totally innocent or authentic may turn into time bombs when an adware program manages to infiltrate your system. The same way a browser hijacker like can also present problems for you. Since a bundle can contain adware apps, browser hijackers, Trojans, fake alerts as well as potentially unwanted programs, we believe that it is best for you to scan your system with a trustworthy malware scanner after you finally decide to delete from your affected browsers.

This questionable search engine is a newcomer on the palette of browser hijackers. In fact, its design also looks a bit fresh and even gives you the feeling of professionalism with its honeycomb pattern background in the top half. This browser hijacker calls itself a "sleek, intuitive, and powerful search engine for everyone" but reports show that it might alter search results to include promoted third-party ads and links. This is also made sort of clear from the main page, where, at the bottom, the creators claim that "we don't bother you with many ads that took time to load." This statement clearly means that you will actually see advertisements but these will not take too long to load.

This browser hijacker offers you ten main categories to search in, including Web, Images, Videos, and News. These appear above the search box and you can easily search your keywords by simply changing the categories with a click. However, since we believe that this search engine may collect information and can modify the search results based on your preferences, you may be presented with tailored ads and links. If cyber criminals can exploit this hijacker, this could mean that you may click on unreliable content and you might be taken then to malicious websites or drop infections onto your computer. If you care about your privacy and virtual security, we recommend that you delete as soon as you can.

Although this malware infection may only change your home page settings in your browsers, and it could be enough to just undo those changes, we still suggest that you reset your affected browsers. But remember that this would mean that all your preferences and extensions will be set to default. If you wonder how you can reset your browsers, please follow our instructions below. If you wonder how you can defend your PC from further malicious attacks, we suggest that you become a more cautious web surfer and avoid questionable websites as well as clicking on random third-party ads. However, if you are looking for an automated solution, we recommend that you install a reliable anti-malware application, such as SpyHunter.

How to remove from brorwsers

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F and go to Settings.
  2. At the bottom, click Show advanced settings.
  3. At the bottom, click Reset settings.
  4. Click Reset in the pop-up.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Alt+H and open Troubleshooting Information.
  2. Click Refresh Firefox.
  3. In the confirmation window, press Refresh Firefox.
  4. Press Finish.

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T and pick Internet Options.
  2. Select the Advanced tab and click Reset.
  3. Mark Delete personal settings and press Reset.
  4. Press Close.
Download Remover for *
*SpyHunter scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of SpyHunter. Screenshots:


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